For the past few days I have been struggling with the thought of who I am going to take with me on this cruise I won from work. Now this is a freaking nice ass cruise that is paid for by the company. Though it isn't all expenses paid but the airfair, cruise, taxi to and from airport, and food on the cruise is paid...
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I had the most fucked up dreams before I went to work the other day. I fell asleep at around 2 pm and had this messed up dream. I was in that sleeping state where you are sleeping but are still aware of everything that is happening. So I had the tv on when I passed out. The first dream I had was of ninja...
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hey thanks for the add request on myspace!
me too...I think the horse cum and vomit got me though...ick!
So I am starting to feel better and I went to work last night. I had a pretty good day actually, found out that I will be getting my own desk finally and that I got the raise I was promised of getting 2 months ago finally. It felt good getting back to work because I found out how some people at work missed having...
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Isn't Cookie the cutest? I loved her set so much!
yeah that muti girl set was hot!
So i have been sick for the past week or so and im starting to feel better now. Since I been sick I have been sleeping like a bastard. I swear the other day I slept for 17 hours. It felt good.... real good. So with all the spare time I had while staying home, I basically spent it in bed and playing games. I...
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congrats on your cruise!!! that is going to be awesome!!!
Oh my... I wish I could sleep that long. I love going to the Pacific mall here in The City - excellent produce. Vietnamese food is my favourite favourite food in the whole world! Do feel better, and good luck with the cruise thing. Maybe go stag and you might meet someone on the boat
In response to your comment on my blog, I'm not too terribly disappointed in my older tattoos, they're a part of me, and my history, you know? Especially the panther, as I got that with my two sisters when our brother passed away. I'd just like the ears to be shorter, a petty thing, really. The wings were just not as fluffy and angel-ish, like I had initially wanted. No biggie.

In response to your comment on my blog, I'm not too terribly disappointed in my older tattoos, they're a part of me, and my history, you know? Especially the panther, as I got that with my two sisters when our brother passed away. I'd just like the ears to be shorter, a petty thing, really. The wings were just not as fluffy and angel-ish, like I had initially wanted. No biggie.
Curious Observations
So as I keep on using this interweb I keep noticing the same things over and over. There are the intellectually smart internet users, the nerds/dorks, the wanna be uber users, the newbs/barely interweb users, and just the regular users. Now of course everyone knows about these and have seen them too. There are quite a few of these on Myspace right now...
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So as I keep on using this interweb I keep noticing the same things over and over. There are the intellectually smart internet users, the nerds/dorks, the wanna be uber users, the newbs/barely interweb users, and just the regular users. Now of course everyone knows about these and have seen them too. There are quite a few of these on Myspace right now...
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I hope you feel better soon. I caught Tilpacer's e-cold, so maybe you caught it from me. My brother is really into Corn Pops, but (like Cap'n Crunch) I find it hurts the roof of my mouth. I'm all about the healthy cereals, like Meusli and such. I know what you mean about grammar, I think it was Trocar who said that texting will be the demise of the English language.
You're welcome! And the bad grammar thing is a personal pet peeve of mine as well. Although, I did just begina a sentence with 'AND' , so who am I to talk?

I just had the most fucked up dream...but it was pretty ....interesting to say the least. Let's see... it all starts off with me going to this...sort of theme park or something like one of those places you go to with a group to do something. Like a horror house or a fun house....but it wasnt. It was sort of a mini carnival that looked...
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be sure to have a lot of towels...unless you were cleaning up a different way

So I had another messed up dream again.... with the dream inside another dream thing. The good thing was that it wasn't a bad dream... just a messed up dream. Where things happen and you just think to yourself WTF is going on here...why is that person there.... why are there naked goat people walking is that a naked porn star?
Then theres the...
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Then theres the...
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So my dreams have been weird lately, no perverted one but just messed up ones. The other day I had a dream...that I had a dream...that I had a dream. You know one of those dreams where you wake up...and realize you were dreaming....but then realize you are STILL dreaming....then wake up from that BUT BAM! you're still dreaming! Well yeah it's some fucked up...
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dreams within dreams


Well it has been a few days since my last blog, I have been so tired lately and so pre-occupied with other things. Like packing all my EX's crap away and trying to figure out how to get it out of my house. I mean sure I could just toss it on the front lawn for garbage but I aint that mean. Even though she...
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So i have been so tired lately for some reason...been trying to get rest and such. I'm heading off to paintball tomorrow with my pals from work. It's gunna be the first time for me so this will be interesting. I want to thank those that comment on my "dreams", yes they are a bit perverted but thats what I get...sometimes I get messed up...
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Thank you!

Did you have fun at paintball this weekend?
thanx..I am trying to get better