Well... thats over for today... My EX showed up today and picked up like....a few things out of her billions of shit she left behind in my house. I mean she even came to the house last night while i was at work... without telling me of course. I mean it wouldve been nice to know if someone is coming in my room and looking...
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So i been up pretty much all day which sucks because i gotta head to work in an hour, yeah... no sleep and an 8 hour shift ahead of me. I had a pretty much uneventful weekend.... so i was pretty much bored. I did end up going to costco and picking up a few things. On saturday (when i went to costco) i went...
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Ooh, a pirate festival! God, that sounds fun!
Yeah, a lot of people are asses... a few apologize, most don't. But there are those really sweet individuals that brighten your day whenever you see their faces. Plus, I'm technically the night cook, so half the time, I'm holed up in the kitchen. I also realized that I rather enjoyed stocking the cooler, mostly because I was on my own and could work at my own pace. It's the little antisocial misanthropic side of me coming out.
Yeah, a lot of people are asses... a few apologize, most don't. But there are those really sweet individuals that brighten your day whenever you see their faces. Plus, I'm technically the night cook, so half the time, I'm holed up in the kitchen. I also realized that I rather enjoyed stocking the cooler, mostly because I was on my own and could work at my own pace. It's the little antisocial misanthropic side of me coming out.

ah.... im feeling a bit more rested today... i been coming home and passing out as of late...been so tired... i guess with stress and dealing with things.
I found out recently that after i broke off the 5 year relationship i had with my EX she all of a sudden had a bf a while later... My guess is she always had this guy...
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I found out recently that after i broke off the 5 year relationship i had with my EX she all of a sudden had a bf a while later... My guess is she always had this guy...
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Thanks for the comment! I'm glad you enjoyed my set

I'd rather it would be already done... but thanks for your comment

phew im beat... got home from work and did a lil cardio.... i really am starting to hate work.. oh its not the work itself its the people.. today i found out something that i apparently did wrong... even though i did a little investigating before i did it and saw that people on the other shifts did the same thing. I mean thats how...
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lol i wish i had dreams that good. my dreams only involve things like baby turtle with human baby heads and if there is someone naked in the dream its usually me.
thank you for commenting on my set.
ah .... home from work... man i hate some of my co-workers... why do people need to be asses. This one guy complained to my team when i was away last friday... saying that the radio was too loud... considering this guy talks so fucking loud... and he has these radio headphones thing... i think he can just put it on and ignore us. He...
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If someone told me ten years ago that at the age of twenty three my Mom and I (her at 53 years of age) would make a date to go get tattooed together, I would laugh in their face. I wasn't in to the whole "Punk/Goth" lifestyle myself several years back, and my Mom just thought everyone in that scene were crazy. My mother and I used to have a really rocky relationship, but now I've changed a lot. Thus, in order to have a relationship with me, she's had to become more open-minded. We "renegotiated" a new relationship, and it's working really well. I'm thankful for that.
It's always nice to see a nasty co-worker get taken down a few pegs... even if it isn't by you. There was no need for him to go to your supervisor with that kind of bullshit. Kinda like the girl who complained to a supervisor of mine at a previous job because my partner and I were "glaring" at her... I thought I'd heard the last of complaints like that when I was six.
People need to grow up and stop tattling.
It's always nice to see a nasty co-worker get taken down a few pegs... even if it isn't by you. There was no need for him to go to your supervisor with that kind of bullshit. Kinda like the girl who complained to a supervisor of mine at a previous job because my partner and I were "glaring" at her... I thought I'd heard the last of complaints like that when I was six.

Ah... feel soooo good.
Yesterday my buddie from work got married, i didn't make the cerimony because of goddam traffic... oh well it was a short one anyways and there is probably a video that i can steal off him later to watch it. I made it there for the dinner party though which was pretty good. I didn't like the food much as it...
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Yesterday my buddie from work got married, i didn't make the cerimony because of goddam traffic... oh well it was a short one anyways and there is probably a video that i can steal off him later to watch it. I made it there for the dinner party though which was pretty good. I didn't like the food much as it...
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Thank you for the lovely comment about my set!

It's warm right now.... weird weather... It was so nice and cool last night when i was at work. I have noticed that recently i have become more social... especially to the female of the species. I guess its because im single again after such a long and bad relationship. I guess it was because my EX was jealous all the time, if i talked...
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thanks sweetie
i'm glad you enjoyed it.

It is getting warm again.... didnt go to caribana this year but apparently i didnt really miss much. A few co-workers went and said it was fun and nice to watch but it wasnt all that great. I dont know i would like to go one year though and see how it is myself.
So my parents decided to have a bbq on the last...
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So my parents decided to have a bbq on the last...
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Thank you for the sweet comment on my debut set!

You are very welcome... i love those eyes
ah.. went to casino friday night... at like 1 am stayed till about 4..got home at 5:30.... damn was so tired i passed the hell out. Considering i havnt slept for 24 hours before that its a good thing i did pass out...only to wake up like 6 hours later. I dont know i guess this night shift work is messing with my sleep. I...
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ahh it was so much cooler last night when i headed for work... the past few days have been brutal... so hot... so humid... so nasty outside and its not even the good nasty! Work was boring, it was pretty much dead... nothing to do so we all made fun of each other. For some reason because it is the long weekend everyone had temporarily...
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Hrm... the concept of having an ex with access to my home when I'm not around is quite unsettling. I'd think a lock change would be in order.
Speaking of junk, I just spent the last two days hauling mine around, i.e. moving. Must... have... Tylenol!