So I have beaten both Starwars Force Unleashed 2 and Fable 3 within two days... I am tired yes but CoD : Black Ops will be coming out soon and I had to clear those 2 games off my list.
Unfortunately both games were anything close to being great games. Fable 3 I did enjoy for a short while, however I did enjoy Fable 2 a lot more. The game mechanics they had in that game that WORKED were removed from the latest... which is just amazingly fail. Story was a bit lackluster also.. for both Fable 3 and Unleashed 2. My god Unleashed 2 was so..... how can I say this..... like something they decided to throw together just so they could sell another star wars game. Story was anything but really basic... action was alright and the game was damned short..... 4 hours on hard mode? Oh well.
I play too much games... and now that I work part time in a video game store (which I enjoy a lot) I just feel like I should play everything I buy just so I can warn people if it's garbage. I used to do it anyways.
I am just rambling... so tired...
Unfortunately both games were anything close to being great games. Fable 3 I did enjoy for a short while, however I did enjoy Fable 2 a lot more. The game mechanics they had in that game that WORKED were removed from the latest... which is just amazingly fail. Story was a bit lackluster also.. for both Fable 3 and Unleashed 2. My god Unleashed 2 was so..... how can I say this..... like something they decided to throw together just so they could sell another star wars game. Story was anything but really basic... action was alright and the game was damned short..... 4 hours on hard mode? Oh well.
I play too much games... and now that I work part time in a video game store (which I enjoy a lot) I just feel like I should play everything I buy just so I can warn people if it's garbage. I used to do it anyways.
I am just rambling... so tired...
Awww, that's too bad about Force Unleashed
The trailers looked so good!