I went and picked up a copy of burning crusade today, so as I am reinstalling my WoW on my laptop I decided to make a blog. So the last blog I made was about my first day on vacation. So lets see if I can finish the second day.
Waking up on the second day within the resort the first thing we did was get all ready and went for breakfast. We packed up everything first and made sure we were ready to go right after breakfast. After that we all climbed onto the bus headed for the port of Miami. The bus driver gave us a small tour as we drove to the port. Everything went smoothly as we boarded the ship so it wasn't too bad. It was just really warm, for me anyways.
What I found out later after we left port was that there was a bomb scare on the port/dock we just left from. Scary, yes... but since it was just a scare and there was no real threat. We took our own tour of the boat, walking up and down all the decks just trying to find out where everything was. The casino and martini bar was beautiful, unfortunately I didn't take any pictures of inside the ship itself.
What was funny when we first got into the room, was that there was one big bed. Now its funny because I went with my friend so I knew she wouldn't be comfortable sleeping with me in the same bed. Later found out that the bed was able to be split so we did that and got two single beds. We unpacked and got ready for things we had to do.
We had a small "business" meeting once out at sea, just to get everyone out there and such. At around 6PM we had dinner in the "Grand Restaurant" which was beautiful. We met a few new people and talked during dinner, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Me and the girl I went with had our moments of verbal tiffs but nothing too bad. She is such a cutie though, why am I such a shy bastard. After dinner we went for drinks on the upper deck and she smoked (as I am not a smoker) and that was pretty much it for the second day.
Now yesterday I went to the bookstore and bought a few books. Glad my sister works for them and I got a good 30% discount
I bought like 3 cook books, 2 bar-tending books, the complete works of Edgar Allen Poe, A world mythology book, and finally a small book of poems. A few poems stuck out to me and this one I liked too.
You loved me for a little,
Who could not love me long;
You gave me wings of gladness
And lent my spirit song.
You loved me for an hour
But only with your eyes;
Your lips I could not capture
By storm or by surprise.
Your mouth that I remember
With rush of sudden pain
As one remembers starlight
Or roses after rain . . .
Out of a world of laughter
Suddenly I am sad. . . .
Day and night it haunts me,
The kiss I never had.
By: Sydney King Russell
Oh yeah one more thing....

Waking up on the second day within the resort the first thing we did was get all ready and went for breakfast. We packed up everything first and made sure we were ready to go right after breakfast. After that we all climbed onto the bus headed for the port of Miami. The bus driver gave us a small tour as we drove to the port. Everything went smoothly as we boarded the ship so it wasn't too bad. It was just really warm, for me anyways.
What I found out later after we left port was that there was a bomb scare on the port/dock we just left from. Scary, yes... but since it was just a scare and there was no real threat. We took our own tour of the boat, walking up and down all the decks just trying to find out where everything was. The casino and martini bar was beautiful, unfortunately I didn't take any pictures of inside the ship itself.
What was funny when we first got into the room, was that there was one big bed. Now its funny because I went with my friend so I knew she wouldn't be comfortable sleeping with me in the same bed. Later found out that the bed was able to be split so we did that and got two single beds. We unpacked and got ready for things we had to do.
We had a small "business" meeting once out at sea, just to get everyone out there and such. At around 6PM we had dinner in the "Grand Restaurant" which was beautiful. We met a few new people and talked during dinner, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Me and the girl I went with had our moments of verbal tiffs but nothing too bad. She is such a cutie though, why am I such a shy bastard. After dinner we went for drinks on the upper deck and she smoked (as I am not a smoker) and that was pretty much it for the second day.
Now yesterday I went to the bookstore and bought a few books. Glad my sister works for them and I got a good 30% discount

You loved me for a little,
Who could not love me long;
You gave me wings of gladness
And lent my spirit song.
You loved me for an hour
But only with your eyes;
Your lips I could not capture
By storm or by surprise.
Your mouth that I remember
With rush of sudden pain
As one remembers starlight
Or roses after rain . . .
Out of a world of laughter
Suddenly I am sad. . . .
Day and night it haunts me,
The kiss I never had.
By: Sydney King Russell
Oh yeah one more thing....

Have a great weekend!
but now I am hungry and don't want to order a pizza...I have been eating bad all week because I have to go out because I had to wait to get groceries till the fridge was done...