So nothing much to say today... just a quick update. I been playing Zelda so much lately... but I havn't lost any sleep which is pretty good. Remember my cruise? yeah i'm still going.. and i'm still taking my friend from work. Now her parents want me to come over for dinner one day. That makes me a bit nervous..... i'm not good with meeting people the first time. I'm really shy, so I hope I don't freak out and shut down. She is such a sweet girl I hope they don't think i'm trying to do something bad. She is my friend so I wouldn't do anything bad to her even if she wasn't.

Just got this done... I love it. I got my trio of tattoos for now and that will hold me off untill next year. Yeah it is only a couple more months till next year
All the new sets that have come out the past couple of days have been all amazing. The camera work and choice of lighting have been awesome. Can't wait to see some of you girls next sets. Anyways have a good weekend everyone... i'm going to eat and then probably take a nap... i'm beat.. havn't slept for ..... I don't even know how long.

Just got this done... I love it. I got my trio of tattoos for now and that will hold me off untill next year. Yeah it is only a couple more months till next year

All the new sets that have come out the past couple of days have been all amazing. The camera work and choice of lighting have been awesome. Can't wait to see some of you girls next sets. Anyways have a good weekend everyone... i'm going to eat and then probably take a nap... i'm beat.. havn't slept for ..... I don't even know how long.

mine is 1836 1075 5872 7394