I have been having so much fun playing with my Wii. Zelda is such a great game and thats what I have been spending most of my time playing. I tried out Wii sports and Trauma Center for a bit and they are both pretty good too. The only thing that I am not too happy about yet is the selection of Virtual Console games. I know a few more are coming soon and I can't wait.
I got my third season of Lois and Clark : The Adventures Of Superman a couple days ago. I have been watching it while I play Zelda.... yeah two tvs is great sometimes. I have created a couple of Mii characters but I havn't connected to anyone else or anything. Can't wait to have some fun with the online function.
So there are a couple things that has happened to me that I have to get off my chest. First.. is something kind of odd that happened at work. It does sound kind of bad, I did something that ended up making a woman break down and cry. Before you crucify me for it, I didn't do anything to her at all. I dropped a box and it made a loud noise which startled her, she came and yelled at me, telling me not to do it again. I just told her "Alright I get it" and I walked off to get some more paper (another box). I came back and she was bawling her eyes out.
Everyone called me mean for it, everyone meaning her friends which all speak the same language btw. Saying things like I do it on purpose and I am always disruptive and mean to everyone. When I just sit and do my work. It even went as far as one of them telling my supervisor that he told me if I could stop being loud. Well my supervisor and I have never heard anything from that guy at all and my supervisor knows it.
Then one of them goes and says "well she has a lot of problems and he is being mean". Well my friend laughed at that and said out loud "So? everyone has problems and he didn't go up to her and yell at her did he?". Then they all shut up. I mean I would understand if I walked up to her on purpose and yelled at her and tried to make her cry. She basically broke down because she got so emotional and yelled at me and got embarrassed about it. Take it as you will.. but I did not make her cry. She broke down because of her own emotional turmoil.
The only other thing is that... Dot has a couple pictures that makes her look like one of my EX's... my most current one. Well I don't know if I could call her an ex... she did consider me a BF but broke up with me with the "School work and other stuff is keeping me too busy" thing. We weren't together for too long.. but it was great while it lasted... I do miss her though. I swear they could be twins... only she had firery red hair. They are both so sexy....
So have you checked out the most recent Multi sets? omg... so great. The sets are getting better everyday.
Welcome back to Marvel for she was gone for a while and we did miss her. Have a good weekend everyone... back to playing with my Wii. Still would be better with a great gamer girlfriend to play with my Wii too.
I got my third season of Lois and Clark : The Adventures Of Superman a couple days ago. I have been watching it while I play Zelda.... yeah two tvs is great sometimes. I have created a couple of Mii characters but I havn't connected to anyone else or anything. Can't wait to have some fun with the online function.
So there are a couple things that has happened to me that I have to get off my chest. First.. is something kind of odd that happened at work. It does sound kind of bad, I did something that ended up making a woman break down and cry. Before you crucify me for it, I didn't do anything to her at all. I dropped a box and it made a loud noise which startled her, she came and yelled at me, telling me not to do it again. I just told her "Alright I get it" and I walked off to get some more paper (another box). I came back and she was bawling her eyes out.
Everyone called me mean for it, everyone meaning her friends which all speak the same language btw. Saying things like I do it on purpose and I am always disruptive and mean to everyone. When I just sit and do my work. It even went as far as one of them telling my supervisor that he told me if I could stop being loud. Well my supervisor and I have never heard anything from that guy at all and my supervisor knows it.
Then one of them goes and says "well she has a lot of problems and he is being mean". Well my friend laughed at that and said out loud "So? everyone has problems and he didn't go up to her and yell at her did he?". Then they all shut up. I mean I would understand if I walked up to her on purpose and yelled at her and tried to make her cry. She basically broke down because she got so emotional and yelled at me and got embarrassed about it. Take it as you will.. but I did not make her cry. She broke down because of her own emotional turmoil.
The only other thing is that... Dot has a couple pictures that makes her look like one of my EX's... my most current one. Well I don't know if I could call her an ex... she did consider me a BF but broke up with me with the "School work and other stuff is keeping me too busy" thing. We weren't together for too long.. but it was great while it lasted... I do miss her though. I swear they could be twins... only she had firery red hair. They are both so sexy....
So have you checked out the most recent Multi sets? omg... so great. The sets are getting better everyday.
Welcome back to Marvel for she was gone for a while and we did miss her. Have a good weekend everyone... back to playing with my Wii. Still would be better with a great gamer girlfriend to play with my Wii too.

Thanks so much for the comment on our set 

thanks for commenting my set
An oh wra for zelda