So its been a while since I have blogged and yeah I really havn't had anything to blog about at all, untill today. I had the most messed up dreams today... and yeah dreams as in more then one. The first dream consisted of me owning my own place. That sounds good and everything to start off with sure, untill I was in the bathroom and 2 guys walked in the room in a panic. They were my friends.... but I didn't know them, oddly enough one of them looked like Jamie Foxx, the other I didn't see.
What was going on? well apparently they were my room-mates and whats even worse we were all in the bathroom because we were hiding. We were all complaining about girls and how they came into our place and basically took over getting rid of all of our stuff and replacing it with theirs. What's so bad about that you ask? They weren't our girlfriends they were just there as if they were freaking insane women who have us hostage. Got to a point where we wanted to brush our teeth but they even change our toothpaste on us. So I look through the medicine cabinet because I normally would keep extras in there.. and no go, everything in there was replaced too!
So I tell them I have some in my other bathroom, my personal bathroom. I was going to go get it for them and they should stay there. Yeah sounds funny I was going to go "risk" myself to get tooth paste. I open the door and do the whole tip-toe thing and the bathroom door was in front of the kitchen where I could hear 3 girls talking. So as I am about to round the corner the door open and a girl comes out and I can see two others in the kitchen. She looks at me and I automatically go into a panic but I play it off and try to be affectionate to the girl, which I guessed was "my" girl. I pull her towards me and hug her and try to do a little dance, however she notices my change in attitude and starts to suspect something.
So I pretend to get angry and run into my room which has another exit to the halls. After that I wake up because someone calls the house. That was the first dream, which was messed up. The girl had a great body... but she wasn't attractive to me which is odd because if a girl isn't attractive to me then I wouldn't do anything. I'm not saying she was ugly. She was cute, but unattractive to me and she also had what looked like body warts all over her upper chest and pimples on her face. I was so confused when I awoke.
The other dream was a lot shorter, mostly because I only slept about 2 hours through it. Pretty much what it entailed was that I was some sort of hunter and had a partner. We were part of some big orginization that hunted monsters and such. My partner used weapons like guns and knifes, while I was one to use my fist and anything that I could find useful around me. It seemed like we were hunting zombies this time and searching someones house after coming from outside where I beat down about 20 zombies.
Inside we found some more of our orginization doing a search. I find this metal umbrella and use that as a weapon and start searching for zombies.... I find one and beat it down good then as we go through the house all the rest of the people were normal in the house. Untill some of them were scared and took others as hostages so I sneakily went around and got the guns away from 2 of them and saved the day pretty much.... then I woke up after that. Messed up I tell you.
Now I'm getting ready for work and for some reason im thinking about sex. No not because of the dreams but I just started feeling horny and no girls to help me out... what a shame. Halloween tomorrow....lets see what is going on there.
What was going on? well apparently they were my room-mates and whats even worse we were all in the bathroom because we were hiding. We were all complaining about girls and how they came into our place and basically took over getting rid of all of our stuff and replacing it with theirs. What's so bad about that you ask? They weren't our girlfriends they were just there as if they were freaking insane women who have us hostage. Got to a point where we wanted to brush our teeth but they even change our toothpaste on us. So I look through the medicine cabinet because I normally would keep extras in there.. and no go, everything in there was replaced too!
So I tell them I have some in my other bathroom, my personal bathroom. I was going to go get it for them and they should stay there. Yeah sounds funny I was going to go "risk" myself to get tooth paste. I open the door and do the whole tip-toe thing and the bathroom door was in front of the kitchen where I could hear 3 girls talking. So as I am about to round the corner the door open and a girl comes out and I can see two others in the kitchen. She looks at me and I automatically go into a panic but I play it off and try to be affectionate to the girl, which I guessed was "my" girl. I pull her towards me and hug her and try to do a little dance, however she notices my change in attitude and starts to suspect something.
So I pretend to get angry and run into my room which has another exit to the halls. After that I wake up because someone calls the house. That was the first dream, which was messed up. The girl had a great body... but she wasn't attractive to me which is odd because if a girl isn't attractive to me then I wouldn't do anything. I'm not saying she was ugly. She was cute, but unattractive to me and she also had what looked like body warts all over her upper chest and pimples on her face. I was so confused when I awoke.
The other dream was a lot shorter, mostly because I only slept about 2 hours through it. Pretty much what it entailed was that I was some sort of hunter and had a partner. We were part of some big orginization that hunted monsters and such. My partner used weapons like guns and knifes, while I was one to use my fist and anything that I could find useful around me. It seemed like we were hunting zombies this time and searching someones house after coming from outside where I beat down about 20 zombies.
Inside we found some more of our orginization doing a search. I find this metal umbrella and use that as a weapon and start searching for zombies.... I find one and beat it down good then as we go through the house all the rest of the people were normal in the house. Untill some of them were scared and took others as hostages so I sneakily went around and got the guns away from 2 of them and saved the day pretty much.... then I woke up after that. Messed up I tell you.
Now I'm getting ready for work and for some reason im thinking about sex. No not because of the dreams but I just started feeling horny and no girls to help me out... what a shame. Halloween tomorrow....lets see what is going on there.
Thanks :sniffles:
ahh thankkss