So its thanksgiving weekend for us canuks, not much going on for me though. Normally we aren't the type to really celebrate thanksgiving but we do cook a dinner and such. Today my parents got me to cook a leg of lamb that I was saving for a party. Yeah normally I cook a ton of food for each of the parties that I host. This year I decided not to hold a party for thanksgiving. Why? well this yeah I am single this year after five long years. I have been on the quiet side lately. I think it is because im finally out of a bad relationship and since it was such a long one im trying to get my roots again.
It feels good to be single but at the same time I do miss having a companion to spend my time with. Sure I could go out and date... however I am a shy bastard and the club scene aint my thing. Bars? I will go if I have time and if some friends want to go. I don't mind going out, I will go and chill. However like I said... im a freaking shy bastard. I been trying to keep myself busy with cleaning up and doing other things to occupy my mind.
So I was talking to my sister yesterday and I know there are stereotypes out there and hell I use them sometimes too. I mostly do it in the context of a joke though, that aint a excuse not to use it but still for those who know me im never serious with that stuff. Neither are any of my friends, we all come from different backgrounds and get along well. Now my sister was telling me how the girls at her workplace keep putting her in .... how can I say this... a sterotype I guess. Automatically every time she talks to another asian guy they all think they are dating.
Now some of you may say that aint such a bad thing. Cept the fact that she dislikes this guy at work and he keeps hitting on her... he has a girlfriend which he dumped then went back to because my sister kept turning him down. Then he goes and bitches to others that my sister turned him down, like it was the worse thing in the world. He is a creepy guy too, "I went back to my ex because... I couldn't get another girlfriend...well I couldn't get you". Can you imagine that he actually said this to my sister? I feel like going in and kicking his ass.
My sister asked the girls why they though she and this guy were going out... "Oh well you are both asian so we assumed that you were"...... key word there "assume". I mean normally I wouldnt care because, hell a lot of people assume that type of thing, but this guy has a girlfriend and my sister has a boyfriend that is white. But hell it is true though... a lot of asians only stick to asians... and I mean asians as in the whole continent not just oreiental people.
I myself am more attracted to white girls, why? pfft I don't know but I am. I love pale skin I guess I should say, not overly pale that it makes a person look like a ghost, but pale. It doesn't mean im exclusively looking for a white girl, what I really look for is a great personality, I have dated and they have always been with people who have a great personality. Doesn't matter as long as I find them attractive then im good to go.
I still don't know who to take on the cruise with my yet and I only have 4 days left to really choose. I might just end up delaying the choice till next year which im allowed to do. Then again I have a chance to meet with some higher ups in the company this year, which can turn to my benifit.
Anyways I better go back to cooking and cleaning. Bonnie is cute and a great debut set she has there. Churtch also has a great new set there. Hollywood is new to the scene, everyone welcome her to SG, she is really cute too. Hope y'all have a good week.
It feels good to be single but at the same time I do miss having a companion to spend my time with. Sure I could go out and date... however I am a shy bastard and the club scene aint my thing. Bars? I will go if I have time and if some friends want to go. I don't mind going out, I will go and chill. However like I said... im a freaking shy bastard. I been trying to keep myself busy with cleaning up and doing other things to occupy my mind.
So I was talking to my sister yesterday and I know there are stereotypes out there and hell I use them sometimes too. I mostly do it in the context of a joke though, that aint a excuse not to use it but still for those who know me im never serious with that stuff. Neither are any of my friends, we all come from different backgrounds and get along well. Now my sister was telling me how the girls at her workplace keep putting her in .... how can I say this... a sterotype I guess. Automatically every time she talks to another asian guy they all think they are dating.
Now some of you may say that aint such a bad thing. Cept the fact that she dislikes this guy at work and he keeps hitting on her... he has a girlfriend which he dumped then went back to because my sister kept turning him down. Then he goes and bitches to others that my sister turned him down, like it was the worse thing in the world. He is a creepy guy too, "I went back to my ex because... I couldn't get another girlfriend...well I couldn't get you". Can you imagine that he actually said this to my sister? I feel like going in and kicking his ass.
My sister asked the girls why they though she and this guy were going out... "Oh well you are both asian so we assumed that you were"...... key word there "assume". I mean normally I wouldnt care because, hell a lot of people assume that type of thing, but this guy has a girlfriend and my sister has a boyfriend that is white. But hell it is true though... a lot of asians only stick to asians... and I mean asians as in the whole continent not just oreiental people.
I myself am more attracted to white girls, why? pfft I don't know but I am. I love pale skin I guess I should say, not overly pale that it makes a person look like a ghost, but pale. It doesn't mean im exclusively looking for a white girl, what I really look for is a great personality, I have dated and they have always been with people who have a great personality. Doesn't matter as long as I find them attractive then im good to go.
I still don't know who to take on the cruise with my yet and I only have 4 days left to really choose. I might just end up delaying the choice till next year which im allowed to do. Then again I have a chance to meet with some higher ups in the company this year, which can turn to my benifit.
Anyways I better go back to cooking and cleaning. Bonnie is cute and a great debut set she has there. Churtch also has a great new set there. Hollywood is new to the scene, everyone welcome her to SG, she is really cute too. Hope y'all have a good week.

a special thanks!