So I am starting to feel better and I went to work last night. I had a pretty good day actually, found out that I will be getting my own desk finally and that I got the raise I was promised of getting 2 months ago finally. It felt good getting back to work because I found out how some people at work missed having me around. It was a nice feeling... untill the people I dislike came into the room and started making the "noise" they make. It was so nice being at home and not having to listen to them jibber jabber all night while they sat there and did no work.
I remember the day I was there before I was off sick that one team purposely slacked off on doing any work so it built up to a point that they were able to stay for overtime. It is funny though because today my supervisor saw one girl from that team walking around and doing shit and he seemed pissed. I hope he finally does something about it. Unfortunately he really can't fire anyone unless they do something extreme. Stupid big company rules.
I picked up my "cruise package" that I won at work. I had a feeling that it was a company cruise and I was correct. It isnt too bad though, except that I will have to attend a couple meetings and seminars while im on the cruise. I dont think it will be that bad since it will only be an hour or so out of each day. Seems like it will be a cruise around the carribean or something. I have a girl at work begging me to take her, yes I know it sounds awesome huh? a girl wants to go with me on a cruise and the fact that I find her cute too? Too bad she has a fiance.
However there is another girl that im attracted to at work but I am surprised that she hasn't asked me to go. Then again I don't really know her that well. We exchange emails every now and then but thats about it. She also hasn't asked me to go which I find attracts her more to me. It is like knowing that though she probably wants to go she wont go and ask me because we don't know each other that well. Now it makes me want to ask her out or somehow get to know her better. The thing that sucks is that I have a deadline to choose if I am going and who im bringing... I have to let them know by the end of next week.
It is one of those times in life where I wish I had a significant other or even just a fuck friend that I could bring with me. I mean who doesn't want a free vacation with a free cruise on top of that? I will go.. I just want someone to go with. Now even better? If I knew a cute SG I could take with me. Damn imagine that... going on a cruise with a cute SG and introducing her to them? I know probably half those old men on that cruise would recognise a SG.
Anyways I should get back to sleep, however I was sleeping erratically. It felt like I was in that state between being awake and being asleep. Where you are sort of aware of what is going on and dreaming at the same point. Yeah thats where I is some messed up shit. Have you guys seen the double set with Posh and Evette yet? its a great set.... i've always loved girls and it will stay that way.
I remember the day I was there before I was off sick that one team purposely slacked off on doing any work so it built up to a point that they were able to stay for overtime. It is funny though because today my supervisor saw one girl from that team walking around and doing shit and he seemed pissed. I hope he finally does something about it. Unfortunately he really can't fire anyone unless they do something extreme. Stupid big company rules.
I picked up my "cruise package" that I won at work. I had a feeling that it was a company cruise and I was correct. It isnt too bad though, except that I will have to attend a couple meetings and seminars while im on the cruise. I dont think it will be that bad since it will only be an hour or so out of each day. Seems like it will be a cruise around the carribean or something. I have a girl at work begging me to take her, yes I know it sounds awesome huh? a girl wants to go with me on a cruise and the fact that I find her cute too? Too bad she has a fiance.
However there is another girl that im attracted to at work but I am surprised that she hasn't asked me to go. Then again I don't really know her that well. We exchange emails every now and then but thats about it. She also hasn't asked me to go which I find attracts her more to me. It is like knowing that though she probably wants to go she wont go and ask me because we don't know each other that well. Now it makes me want to ask her out or somehow get to know her better. The thing that sucks is that I have a deadline to choose if I am going and who im bringing... I have to let them know by the end of next week.
It is one of those times in life where I wish I had a significant other or even just a fuck friend that I could bring with me. I mean who doesn't want a free vacation with a free cruise on top of that? I will go.. I just want someone to go with. Now even better? If I knew a cute SG I could take with me. Damn imagine that... going on a cruise with a cute SG and introducing her to them? I know probably half those old men on that cruise would recognise a SG.
Anyways I should get back to sleep, however I was sleeping erratically. It felt like I was in that state between being awake and being asleep. Where you are sort of aware of what is going on and dreaming at the same point. Yeah thats where I is some messed up shit. Have you guys seen the double set with Posh and Evette yet? its a great set.... i've always loved girls and it will stay that way.

Isn't Cookie the cutest? I loved her set so much!
yeah that muti girl set was hot!