So I have beaten both Starwars Force Unleashed 2 and Fable 3 within two days... I am tired yes but CoD : Black Ops will be coming out soon and I had to clear those 2 games off my list.
Unfortunately both games were anything close to being great games. Fable 3 I did enjoy for a short while, however I did enjoy Fable 2...
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Unfortunately both games were anything close to being great games. Fable 3 I did enjoy for a short while, however I did enjoy Fable 2...
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Awww, that's too bad about Force Unleashed
The trailers looked so good!

Though I did not write this, I found it on a board. However it does convey my feelings that I once had and may still be harboring. I also believe I have read this somewhere way before but I do not remember where.
EDIT: I also should have clarified that I don't agree with everything here. I know I did post it as a means...
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EDIT: I also should have clarified that I don't agree with everything here. I know I did post it as a means...
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I get that some women can be real pieces of work, but I really think this argument is an excuse for self-pity. Not all women are psychics. If a man is hanging out with a woman, never asks her out, never lets her know that he wants something more than friendship with her, how on earth is she supposed to know?? Yes, the woman in this scenario is self-absorbed, but the "nice guy" also has responsibility for being gutless and not letting her know what he really wants. He gets himself into the situation, doesn't let her know what's up, and then doesn't have the guts to get himself out of the situation and find what he really wants.
I've never dated anyone who is rich, terribly fit, or amazingly good-looking. I date regular guys, and the only reason why I ever dated an inconsiderate jerk was because my self-esteem was down the drain. I just married a regular, blue collar, nice guy. And I am rediculously happy. Chances are that this guy in this scenario is interested in entirely the wrong kind of woman to begin with.
Also, implying that a woman somehow owes a man sex for spending time with her in what, for all she knows, is friendship is disgusting. Women are human beings, too, and guys in these kinds of situations don't have the right to throw all the blame on the woman.
I've never dated anyone who is rich, terribly fit, or amazingly good-looking. I date regular guys, and the only reason why I ever dated an inconsiderate jerk was because my self-esteem was down the drain. I just married a regular, blue collar, nice guy. And I am rediculously happy. Chances are that this guy in this scenario is interested in entirely the wrong kind of woman to begin with.
Also, implying that a woman somehow owes a man sex for spending time with her in what, for all she knows, is friendship is disgusting. Women are human beings, too, and guys in these kinds of situations don't have the right to throw all the blame on the woman.
Playing Scott Pilgrim VS the world.... can't talk forever.
Yeah, today is my birthday but my party was over the weekend and was awesome. Even fired off some fireworks. Fun times.
Yeah, today is my birthday but my party was over the weekend and was awesome. Even fired off some fireworks. Fun times.
I have started back into my workout routine again and I am going with "Insanity" and let me tell you... it is INSANE... my god I am only two workouts in and I am dead dead dead tired and sore all over. It's a good thing though cause I need to get my energy back up there and shape up.
Other then that I can't...
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Other then that I can't...
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Lol, the puppy was so cute, I love animals hence the goofy smile
*hug* thank you for pimping me sweetheart! You must definitely take glutamine and whey protein to aid your recovery from the rough workouts.

haha your so sweet thanks so much for the love and support. but no need to be punching anyone! yah def put a smile on my face thou. ive been doing better. taking it day by day! hope all is well with u !
much love
much love
I shot paper last night... man I never knew how fun a shooting range could be. So damned awesome! Sounds weird but it's sort of a date idea for me. But I wonder who would actually go on a date to a shooting range with me.
Lately I have gotten back to my workouts daily and the gym before work. Other then that I have...
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Lately I have gotten back to my workouts daily and the gym before work. Other then that I have...
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I been so busy lately and tired.... tired as hell. So much to worry about and too much to do. I still have a feeling like this year is going to be amazing and something will happen. I don't know what but I feel it deep down. I been having a lot of weird movie like dreams lately and I keep forgetting them after a...
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I have been having strange dreams lately, wish mine were cinematic like yours. Instead I had a dream that my one friend abducted me and my other friend killed his cat with a hammer, Boo! Lol!
they really were! 

Ever since new years eve my ex has been emailing me once a day. Basically she wants me back and all to herself. She has dated since we broke up 7 months ago but apparently still thinks only of me. You know the regular "I want you back" type of story. The thing is I don't think I can be in a relationship with her,...
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Thank you so much for you love on "Coming Clean", it means a lot

Thanks so much! I wish I could shoot sets every day! : )
Happy New Year everyone and may you have a great 2010!
Yeah hopefully its not a recurring thing this year!
Thanks for commenting on my set

Happy Holidays to all and the best of wishes to you and yours. 

Aw, yey, thanks! 
Another PS3? You already have one?

Another PS3? You already have one?
Hah, that's awesome.
Yea, I know I really would. I'm just kinda waiting for things to not be so financially rough. Been having the groceries >= lust for awesome toys fight for awhile!
I keep it on my wishlist though so I'll hear if it ever goes on sale or anything...
Yea, I know I really would. I'm just kinda waiting for things to not be so financially rough. Been having the groceries >= lust for awesome toys fight for awhile!
I keep it on my wishlist though so I'll hear if it ever goes on sale or anything...