Dance of the Dead
Such Lovely Ladies and Gentlemen
Gathered here together for the Black Masquerade
In the Dark Dank Dancehall long but forgotten
Whose lives so long ago began to fade come to dance
As they do once a year come to dance
To Dance Until Nothing Is Left
Nothing But the Sweetness of Silence
What keeps these Phantoms here?
Among them is no hatred, bitterness, nor woe
Yet still they appear
Once a night
Once a year
To Dance in the Moon Light
Until Slowly they all Disappear
Such Lovely Ladies and Gentlemen
Gathered here together for the Black Masquerade
In the Dark Dank Dancehall long but forgotten
Whose lives so long ago began to fade come to dance
As they do once a year come to dance
To Dance Until Nothing Is Left
Nothing But the Sweetness of Silence
What keeps these Phantoms here?
Among them is no hatred, bitterness, nor woe
Yet still they appear
Once a night
Once a year
To Dance in the Moon Light
Until Slowly they all Disappear
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