Like shedded fur my hair is gone. Each and every strand met it's fate at the flash of a blade, or rather a pair of blades on a pivoting axel commonly referred to as scissors. All save for a small Jedi Padawan-esque braid or as they would have said twenty years ago: a rat tail. Gone are the days of sweat and heat weighting down...
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mmmmmm, haircuts are so liberating ~ all that old karma just *whoosh* goes away. i lurve the feeling of wind on scalp, especially in the summertime.

A rat tail. Oh God my mind is flooding with images of 7th grade haircuts. Jesus, fuck man couldn't you have just gotten a mullet. wink

Hope you are enjoying the new do.
"...the Sun, that executioner who with the axe of his rays severs the necks of shadows."
Umberto Eco, "The Island of the Day Before"

The Sun heats the air so that it gains mass in my lungs, weighting my body down as if drenched or packed with misty loadestones. The newscasters drone on sounding like an adult's muffled gab in a "Peanuts" cartoon as I...
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50 wpm? *swoon* wow!

and while i owned parachute pants and coveted tab (which i was not allowed to drink) at one time, this donahue was actually in the time of brown curdoroys and yarn bows in my two pony tails. ergh. we's old, babydoll.

and awwwww, you have a ladyfriend who gives you the love. yay! that is so sweet. those notes will do it everytime, yes?

love the description of the oppressive heat. of course, it is cooler now, but word.

i will miss ray charles alot more.
I'm in the process of making awesome cd's for an awesome girl too.

Is love in the air? wink
The revolution will not be televised...

...It will come out on DVD; with special feataures like audio commentary, deleted scenes, and behind-the-scenes documentaries.

Your DVDs will now be affordable because your gas and oil will not be. Please use all available features on your DVD for complete "liberated" sensation. Your DVD has no warranty and you will recieve no proof of purchuse with it, ergo...
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i heard your message last night and i was blushing so much. and then i changed the subject to you

which means. please visit a janell.
yes that is you.
It's Memorial Day and I'm gettin' all memorialized! I haven't turned on the TV yet, but I'm sure "Saving Private Ryan" and a plethora of other jingoistic movies are playing on TBS and all other subsidiary stations. I also see that Tom Hanks is dedicating a WWII memorial this weekend. Were the vets really like, "Should we get a real military hero to honor us...
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i helped clean the most disgusting car in the world to day...didn't i nicci?!? eeek
from melted skittles to shoes to old french fries...we conquered it all! yay for nicci's clean car!
and i got interpol's turn on the bright lights 150g vinyl, 2 postal service singles, the new lord of the rings dvd (which i haven't seen), and margaret attwood's new book. yay for new...
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It's about the quote not necessarily the ridiculous source.

Good Quote, Bad Movie.

Yay F&G! I loved your editorial, by the way... kiss
mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad

i must be in a phase or something. maybe on my male menstration cycle or something because i sent an email to an ex today and told her to "take her one hundred dollar dildo and go to new york and fuck yourself" upon hearing she had bought a $100 dildo and was going to nyc. and i told another that "i wish we could...
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oh honey, it will only get better.
i went LP shopping and picked up a few goodies, as well as place some soon-to-be goodies on order. i got low & the dirty three: in the fishtank sessions and cat power: moon pix. coming soon, mum: finally we are no one, magnetic fields: i, pinback: blue screen life, magnetic fields: (single) i don't believe you. wink
there is something about playing records that just...
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i am soooo sorry, but i am not over there today. there was Much Family Ugliness of Gigantic Proportions which came to me. ugh. drained of all energy. i suck. many apologies, my dear. frown
you are the nicest ~ i was looking fwd to it too! that is the sweetest thing - a cd! wow. i hate being a flake. again, so sorry.

the dust has settled now, but it involves a will, a warehouse, and loooong standing family animosity. i truly don't understand cruelty and am always surprised by betrayal ... i should be better used to it by now, but i am not.

ah, well, its just biology.

edited to add: i was rejected by earthlink! blackeyed

[Edited on May 22, 2004 8:50PM]
as i stood in the backyard dandilion seeds were floating in the wind like snow whiskers and i liked the way the blue of the blue sky creeped through the green of the green tree leaves as i peered up through the tangled limbs of oaks and mimosas and elms. the trees in my town lean over streets holding hands with their gnarly branches, making...
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Changed my alias from saberducky
um...tell him you have a girlfried...in new hampshire.
i also enjoy pens, although not to such an extent. i like fine point, with black black ink, but being a lefty, things tend to smudge.

i would like to call you sometime and hear your voice please.
i don't normally recite song lyrics for a journal entry, but i'm so tickled with this song from the new magnetic fields album "i" : "i don't believe you"

so you quote love unquote me
well, stranger things have come to be
but let's agree to disagree
cause i don't believe you
i don't believe you

you tell me i'm not not cute
its truth...
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actually, the casting is from a lesbian resource center fundraiser from about 4 years ago. i've meant to do a new one every year, but i've not done it. i did not hear about the auction until after it was over, but it did sound really cool!

i was much activisty when i first returned to nc, but then got way too workified. this summer its about getting back out there ~ woo.
actually, i don't do any soda, save the occaisonal overpriced ginger beer. synthetic caffiene is the no doz ~ cheap, effective, and measured doses. i don't drink or smoke, but i know the way of this little white pill. my god, i'm the saddest addict ever.

ohhh, i would like six shots of espresso right now. UPUPUP i would be for ever. or, you know, have a heart attack. eeek that would be no good.

oh for sure we should tea et coffee soonsoon. i am going to be in raleigh later this week to see my mom, but i don't know what day yet. plans shall ensue whenst i hammerhammer the exact day ~ i declare it.

edited to add: i worked at godiva for a brief time, and we had to taste everything & eat chocolate everyday. puke i love chocolate, but most of that stuff is soooo excessive. chocolate covered dried sugared fruit. ummm, helloooo diabetic coma. coffee would be much preferred.

[Edited on May 17, 2004 12:01PM]
yesterday, i sat on my couch during my lunchbreak (which, actually being at noon, is an entirely new concept to me) and smoked a joint and listend to the new magnetic fields in my headphones. i feel asleep and ended up taking a two hour lunch. when i sauntered back into work, they asked me what was up and i just said, "that's how i...
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things seem to be going well for you and that makes me happy smile

oh, by the damn way guess who misses you. me.

i had wierd dreams last night. oh bother.