I just got back from Atlanta, visiting my mom. It's been so long since I last visited and so much has changed. I got to visit my old high school (weird) and old friends (odd) and had a relatively good time. Age seems to amaze us and old times seem like yesterday as we chatter over past lives and future dreams. My mom's house looked like Clark Grisswold decorated it and it probably drained power from the entire grid when she pops on her illuminative decor. The drive itself wasn't as bothersome as I had anticipated and I listened to most of "The Golden Compass" on audio book. Isn't it weird how audio books can draw you in so?
Anyway, I hope all of you peeps out there are bundled tight and having a safe and happy holiday!
Anyway, I hope all of you peeps out there are bundled tight and having a safe and happy holiday!

very merry, my dear!