Home alone with Bjork's new album ripping through the woodwork of this old southern home. The lowest lows and spine-tingling shrieks are echoing in the still air of this hot indian summer day; is it an indian summer, yet? It seems long enough for me, but I'm not an Indian. I'm really head over heels for this new album: Medulla. I woke up first thing this morn and set out on bike to the localest music shoppe and spent my hard earned, blood and tear soaked dollars on the Medulla CD, her new dvd: "The Inner or Deep Part of an Animal or Plant Structure", and a Sigur Ros bootleg dvd, "Deeper than Beauty". Wow, those Icelandic folks sure are deep, I guess. So the album itself is phenomenal...but the production is sharp and the design is off the hook. I actually got a free poster with the purchuse and now it is among the few thingys on my bedroom walls (current thingys include my Bjork painting by Bobby Logic, a Bjork banner from "Greatest Hits", some gum nicci put on my wall
, and now the Medulla poster above my bed). It's funny, her last album, Vespertine, was released three years ago around this time of year. I'm always falling anew for Bjork in the late summer; it's sultry. It gives good visual and physical imagery with rediscovering the prowess and beauty of her music making.
In other news, I am the temporary owner of a digicam, so I'll probably be a pic whore for a while; keep your eyes out, you may even see...A HAMBURGER!!!
Apparently September and October is the "Good Show Monsoon Season" in Raleigh, for in that time we will be visited by the likes of : Franz Ferdinand, Les Savy Fav, Blonde Redhead, Yo La Tengo, Death Cab for Cutie, PINBACK!!!!!!!, They Might Be Giants, Rilo Kiley, and of course...Ozzfest. I just got Pinback tix today and along with my other booty
I feel like a grog-pickled pirate on a windy day at sea with a ship of lorelei.

In other news, I am the temporary owner of a digicam, so I'll probably be a pic whore for a while; keep your eyes out, you may even see...A HAMBURGER!!!

Apparently September and October is the "Good Show Monsoon Season" in Raleigh, for in that time we will be visited by the likes of : Franz Ferdinand, Les Savy Fav, Blonde Redhead, Yo La Tengo, Death Cab for Cutie, PINBACK!!!!!!!, They Might Be Giants, Rilo Kiley, and of course...Ozzfest. I just got Pinback tix today and along with my other booty

are you going tomorrow night to the Kickass/Art Lord/Valient Thorr show??