Tomorrow, October 4, 2023 at 2:20pm ET (1:20pm CT/12:20pm MT/11:20am PT), every cell phone user nationwide (USA) will receive a Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA). The test should take ~30 minutes and if your phone is on, it will make a lot of noise (not the entire time, but for long enough to make everyone aware).
You may want to switch your phone off beforehand and...
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Use the first letter of your username to answer these:
1. A type of candy - Jelly beans
2. A song - The Cars’ Just What I Needed
3. A football team - Jets
4. A tailgate food - Jerky
5. A city - Junction City, KS
6. A color - Jade
7. A movie - Jaws
8. A camping item - Jacket
9. Something...
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