you know what the best part about real work is? comming home with filthy, greasy, black hands and washing them in a white porcelian sink and watching the black water spiral down.
i like that my hands are always stained a little black, i like that my fingernails have dirt under them, i like the cuts across my knuckles.
i love that some girls find my dirty hands sexy.
today life is just fucking good.
i like that my hands are always stained a little black, i like that my fingernails have dirt under them, i like the cuts across my knuckles.
i love that some girls find my dirty hands sexy.
today life is just fucking good.
puzzles me when people ask...."you ride that alone?" as if it's some big bike...which it isn't, in fact I'm already thinking of getting something different next year....
what do you ride? that 46? indian I read about in your profile?
do you do any runs like Laughlin or Reno?
course, since you haven't updated... you're making me near immortal having those silly pics up so long...
Happy New Year...