ah yes
the holiday visit has come to a close and tomorrow i am back on a plane to BC.
cant wait to get back to my own bed, and get back to work.
i hate sitting around.
take it easy out there, and if anyone is out in victoria and wants to meet up, drop me a line.
hi Canada:=)
well shit,
its been a long time since i've been a postin' in here.
heres the update for the last 6 or 7 months....
after i graduated in may i packed up, hopped on my bike and started towards BC.
the weather was great when i left but around winnipeg i got stuck in a snow storm that had most of the prairies snowed in....
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Wow... Sounds like I'm not the only one who wanted to flee.. BC sounds nice, but here in Quebec, its like a cult thing to go to BC.. so I'm not going .. I dont want to be part of that hippy trippy pot smoking bunch.. As for living in a tent.. I did that for three months once.. it rocked.. I was super organized and everything was pretty darn exquisite !

right the fuck on.
passed my courses and i am done university like a motherfucker.
feelin real good about that.
getting ready to pack up the bike and move my ass to the west coast. cant wait, this will be the second year in a row that i've ridden across the country and i hope i can do it every year after this.
got my...
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fuck I know how you feel about feeling awesome finishing school ! biggrin

well exams are through, and i'm too afraid of failing one of them to check my marks.
i figure if i dont see it i didnt really fail.
hopefully i can get a few thousand miles between me and university before they bring the hammer down.
or maybe i'll seduce my prof into giving me a 50%. even sloppy head is worth a D-, right?
one more exam
thats it
the end of university is in one more exam.
i feel like a weight is lifting
its a chance to take free steps and the thought of being able to go anywhere for any amount of time makes me so happy its hard to breathe.
one more exam man, then i'm a ghost.
hey, thanks for the tip on the xs650. I never really thought about those. i found one on ebay i have a bid on. should be cool.
mother fucker
just spilled beer all over myself and my keyboard while writing a journal entry.
mother fucking whores.
i think the flaming lips just tried to sell me a mitsubishi.
better go get me my wallet.

so my loyal legion of fans, how was my weekend you might ask?
well a good friend brought his girlfriend to my superbowl party. wtf.
i thought saying 'superbowl party' was the same as saying 'no girls allowed' on the door to your treefort.
wouldnt have...
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fucking snow.

spent the weekend in the states, and i dug it like i dig herpes.
good to be home, despite being snowed in.
a fine excuse to sleep.
ever get that feeling that life has stalled? man, i got big plans in the spring but the waiting is gettin to me.
a restless combination of too much energy and no motivation.
like speed and...
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gracie told me to update, so the laziness ends here.
mercy, i am fucking broke.
the great job hunt is beginning anew.
no work happening in the machine shop lately so its time for my unskilled ass to look for something low and lazy.
video store clerk? gas station attendant? hmmm, gotta make sure i dont set my sights too high.
maybe theres a stable...
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Build cycles? hmmn...taps desk and ponders.... nope, California residents are too litigious, we would end up building one for an attorney who would then sue us....

Besides... the parts are too expensive...and, I don't want to COMPETE with Jesse James... i want to have his children!
you know what the best part about real work is? comming home with filthy, greasy, black hands and washing them in a white porcelian sink and watching the black water spiral down.
i like that my hands are always stained a little black, i like that my fingernails have dirt under them, i like the cuts across my knuckles.
i love that some girls find...
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and just in case you're curious...yes, I do ride it by myself....

puzzles me when people ask...."you ride that alone?" as if it's some big bike...which it isn't, in fact I'm already thinking of getting something different next year....
what do you ride? that 46? indian I read about in your profile?
do you do any runs like Laughlin or Reno?
update that journal man.... I keep coming back to snoop into your life but you're not keeping me updated....

course, since you haven't updated... you're making me near immortal having those silly pics up so long...

Happy New Year...