Whoa, Kwanzaa celebration have been completed with a momentous blast. Saw off one of my closests back to Vancouver and participated in some pretty sweet hippy action complete with vegan living, yoga lessons and all around good people. Kwanzaa is the second last leg of the vacation time, and only one of my side projects has been completed as of yet. But thats fine because it was the one involving photo's for my best and sexiest femme friends:

You're all probobly totally jealous of this bad ass sewing maching my motha got me for Jesustime. I pretty much get to through the cloth in and hit the pedal and it does the rest. It'll even write letters for me as it goes. Plus you can hold the cloth and then it's like a tattoo gun for sewing sweet shit into all my clothes.
You ever feel guilty like you're using someone for the friendship when they just want your sex? Sexing out of obligation isn't the best way to go about it.

You're all probobly totally jealous of this bad ass sewing maching my motha got me for Jesustime. I pretty much get to through the cloth in and hit the pedal and it does the rest. It'll even write letters for me as it goes. Plus you can hold the cloth and then it's like a tattoo gun for sewing sweet shit into all my clothes.
You ever feel guilty like you're using someone for the friendship when they just want your sex? Sexing out of obligation isn't the best way to go about it.
Hmm, yeah, the I wanna be friends and they want the get-down, that can be complicated. But what is this of a sewing machine. Jealous? Indeed!
I usually don't let my classmates see me like this...