HEY behold my triumphant return, my interest in other places died down and with the new economical tactics thrown at me here I've decided to come crawling back to you all, and apparently I still have some friends, hoorah
So I guess I'll regail you with a story of despair and indulgence. The tale begins with 5 bright eyed youngsters with set on a road to see the magical Tool and Isis play their harmonous melodies

The magic men from afar blind thei hearts with magnificence and leave them thinking they can conquer the world

After the celebrations

A sour taste comes into the mouths of our young heros

As there vessle comes to a screeching hault midway towards there wonderous post-show mountain camping getaway

While stranded in the oh so beuatiful middle of nowhere travis invokes the power of song to wisk or troubles away

His call is answered immediatly by a mad tower who safely lifts our vehicle into the sky and barrells head on against traffic on highway 1

We cheer and holler as we bounce precariously in the camper sitting at our table barly able to keep the beer and bowls from spilling

We retreat back to the safety of travis's warm home and camp out in his living room busking for repair fare and delighting in our copious supply of booze and cheer.

So I guess I'll regail you with a story of despair and indulgence. The tale begins with 5 bright eyed youngsters with set on a road to see the magical Tool and Isis play their harmonous melodies

The magic men from afar blind thei hearts with magnificence and leave them thinking they can conquer the world

After the celebrations

A sour taste comes into the mouths of our young heros

As there vessle comes to a screeching hault midway towards there wonderous post-show mountain camping getaway

While stranded in the oh so beuatiful middle of nowhere travis invokes the power of song to wisk or troubles away

His call is answered immediatly by a mad tower who safely lifts our vehicle into the sky and barrells head on against traffic on highway 1

We cheer and holler as we bounce precariously in the camper sitting at our table barly able to keep the beer and bowls from spilling

We retreat back to the safety of travis's warm home and camp out in his living room busking for repair fare and delighting in our copious supply of booze and cheer.

Pounce on me...like a pirate...I am most curious...

You need digital rice, silly. I looked for some on google, but there seemed to be no virtual rice available. Perhaps some bird seed? Maybe we can find some of that...