So I went and saw a horror play yesterday. I came on monday, and couldn't get in, then came like an hour and a half early yesterday to gaurentee a ticket, then like 30 other people showed up to compete for the 2 tickets available, in the end tho I knew most the people who developed the play, at least through someone else, and me and one other girl got the tickets. My three friends Jade, Riannon and Chelsea all gave up waiting when it looked like there was going to be a bloodbath over the tickets. But it ended up being worth it, I had to just stand in the back, but that gave me a good view over everyones head to see the craziness ensuing on stage.
Here's nicole (who did the lighting for the show) standing next to the corpse of the controlling husband who locked the main character in the tower
Other than that stuff I don't feel quite right. For sum reason I feel like I Need someone and i don't like that feeling, but then again regressing into complete self-sufficiency and isolation is not what I want either, as bixby so clearly illuminated below.

Here's nicole (who did the lighting for the show) standing next to the corpse of the controlling husband who locked the main character in the tower
Other than that stuff I don't feel quite right. For sum reason I feel like I Need someone and i don't like that feeling, but then again regressing into complete self-sufficiency and isolation is not what I want either, as bixby so clearly illuminated below.
*leaves a pile of stickers*