Ok, so the plan is pretty much to work nonstop from 4 hours ago to complete this project, and make it the best I've ever done. So the problem with that.. is that although a rain of wonderful additions have fallen into my lap as of recently, the centerpiece of this instalation would be the participants. And for the final section of the instalation to be a success, I do sort of rely on the sexual deviation of participants. I hope the people in my class prove to have more hidden perversity in them than they have shown thus far. Anyways, if any of u fellow perverts
wanna come participate, it's tuesday at 9 A.M. ha, message me if ya wanna be there, it's a little.. odd
Oh yeah, and I updated pretty much all of my pic folders

Oh yeah, and I updated pretty much all of my pic folders
she is a cute one isn't she?
so, like we should do stuff again sometime.
how's an SG get together sometime soon sound?
would bowling be good for ya?