Why is it that so many people believe it is in my best interest for them to avoid me? Am I that much better than everyone I believe to be my equal that they don't want to ruin my perfection with the imperfection that comes with being human? Maybe I'm just too gullable, for believing what they're saying, there area few people I instinctively trust, and I trust them completely, but that doesn't mean the trust is deserved or has been earned. But yeah, all the interesting people in my life recently tend tell me that I should stop being around them "for my own good" and sumtimes enforce that against my own interest. Maybe they're right sumtimes, I know it's usually not a mistake, but even if it was, am I not allowed to make my own mistakes when I feel it has to be done?
I just read my last comment in your journal, and holy psycho Dolce...I think I really need to quit smoking pot. I'm sorry, I don't think I'm that creepy.