I've been slaving over this shitty film history term paper I'm working on, which is due tomorrow, and I've been working on it pretty much non-stop since I got back in town, but now I've become entranced with a group of hundreds of new born spiders I just found behind my desk... I love spiders but theres so god damned many of them!@
Any ways NIN was everything I coulda possibly dreamed pumped with steroids on a coke binge. I jujst felt privilaged to be there, and EVERYONE there was from ol' sasky land, it was creepy. I used the rest of the trip to stock up on loads of Calgaries finest vessels of thc, and we took my buddies mini bike around in the millinum skate park.. till I broke it going down a ramp, and it stopped running. but back to work.. if I can ignore these mesmerizing spiders
Any ways NIN was everything I coulda possibly dreamed pumped with steroids on a coke binge. I jujst felt privilaged to be there, and EVERYONE there was from ol' sasky land, it was creepy. I used the rest of the trip to stock up on loads of Calgaries finest vessels of thc, and we took my buddies mini bike around in the millinum skate park.. till I broke it going down a ramp, and it stopped running. but back to work.. if I can ignore these mesmerizing spiders