The world doesn't revolve around you. You may think it does, people you know may treat you like you're the center of the universe, but you're not. Shit happens, then you die. Nothing in life happens for you, only to you. Sometimes you're aces, and sometimes you come up snake eyes, but you can't be offended when things don't go you're way.
TThere are insurmountable odds stacked against us from birth. No matter who our parents are, what our parents wealth or status, or lack thereof, where we were born, whatever privileges we're born having, the world is stacked against us. We can die any number of ways, we can be crippled by thousands of different methods, but also are competing with more than 6 billion people...
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The days are hot
The nights are cold
The days are full of rot
The nights diluted with dreams of old
The day is bright with ideas for the future
The night is dark with memories of the past
The day beckons you to try so hard you rip the sutures
The night allows you to lick your woynds unabashed
The days come and go...
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