I'm not sure guys are allowed to have BFFs, or if they are, I'm not sure they are allowed to call them BFFs. At any rate my best friend (since 5th grade) is in town for the week, and I must say it greatly improves my quality of life. We spend our time talking (girls, games, philosophy), gaming (so far bomberman live and shadowgrounds:survivor), and eating (stuff we probably shouldn't be eating)(that is not meant to be a sexual joke :-P). Makes me wish we lived near each other, or that I had more good friends, ah well, I'll enjoy it while it lasts, parties and games planned all week, bring on the fun!
More Blogs
Wednesday Aug 30, 2006
Whew, too much work! I spent nearly twelve hours at work today, thou… -
Thursday Aug 24, 2006
New TOYS! Logitech G7 Laser Cordless Mouse and the Microsoft Natur… -
Monday Aug 07, 2006
Hey, I don't have what you need, unless all you need is me, and some … -
Friday Jul 15, 2005
"It doesn't take a talent to be mean Your words can crush things tha… -
Monday Jul 11, 2005
Thank you suicide girls, you make my world a better place by a factor… -
Monday Jun 20, 2005
Phunny how I consider the word phunny, phunny, is there a word for th… -
Thursday Jun 09, 2005
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Wednesday Jun 01, 2005
I was late to work again today, as much as I hate being late you'd th… -
Tuesday May 31, 2005
Wow, I did so much nothing this weekend it actually feels like it sho… -
Wednesday May 25, 2005
If you could, I'd let you.
guys are totally aloud to have bffs btw