so the question.. i hope everyone had hella fun playing again. lets see if I can freestyle some madness up for y'all.
known as a mediator between the spiritual and living world. The shaman is required to take what is good for the people from higher realms and bring it down into the living world. There are good and bad spirits existing. The shaman must be able to be co-exist with all of them.Shamans engage various processes and techniques to incite trance; such as: singing, dancing, taking entheogens, meditating and drumming. The shaman can control and/or cooperate with the spirits for the community's benefit. The shaman must be loving of all his/her people. Holdin knows this from her previous experience as a goddess. Someone like Googirl who has great intuition and emotion will find that she feels pain in unlikely moments due to the pain occuring all the time in people's hearts. Gray138 understands the importance of tradition in a tribe. The shaman must remain consistent in his quest for harmony between the two worlds. Drake will struggle at first with the overwhelming need her people will have for her. She will in true shamanistic nature wanna focus on her own enlightenment and explore the spiritual world in it's entirety. Her people have great need for her wisdom though so she must learn patience with them.Cupcake loves to help but will need more control over her own inner chaos to truly master the art. With great perseverance she will do so and become a great asset. Scotty has beautiful smiles and a profound sense for traversing the axis mundi. She will one day become a spirit herself. BrightRedScream is so caring that being a shaman will provide no difficulty for her. Just look at how she watches over our tribe here at SG.
there are so many things to consider about being a superhero. Take for example BATMAN. he is a superhero yet he has no "special" powers. The superhero always finds strength from their own inner conflicts and shortcomings. Everyone has seen Mallrats where Stan Lee explains his creation process for the characters. The superhero will generally be hated by the authorities and will have not only bad guys chasing him around but the cops as well. The government will want to test your body and see how you got this way. All superhero's aren't your typical nice guys in my opinion either. BixbySg reminds me of a wolverine type. She isn't going out of her way to do shit. She has her powers that she was born with and doesn't see why she can't have a life too. don't fuck with her if she has been drinkin the night before either. Rubix is your high flying attention grabbing superhero. kinda like the human torch you can rely on her to save, entertain and occasionally use her powers to get great ass. Blaze1mad has a dual personality complex. He has all the powers and still has the desire to conquer flowing within his blood. he will save many but instead of turning criminals over to police he has his own brand of justice with which he dispenses. Tallboy66 is Clark Kent. does his thing and taps into all forms of human nature. a lil nerdy in his own charismatic way as well .. Onewithall has no qualms about flying or fighting evil. He's ready to get with it...
------------------------Drug Lord
being a drug lord isn't easy and it doesn't just happen. These are business majors that dropped out. Geniuses with good looks and a bad streak running through them. Entrepreneurs with guns and no conscious. See while all the other high school "dealers" bought ounces of chronic for 300 and sold it for 500 meanwhile smoking hella blunts and showing off with their friends; someone like Seizure saved all the money she got with her web cam and bought a house. She has no desire to live in this house. It's just a place to bypass all the weak ass middleman dealers in her area. Why? Cause she bought a bunch of high quality seeds and equipment to grow 20 pounds in this house every two months. Within 4 months she has already made 50,000 off this investment. This is the part where it gets tricky. Most people get popped by the feds somewhere in this area of the transition. Lots of people get raided way before this. so she hooks up with Misha and they decide that they can have a good partnership. Misha suggests that they find some way of shipping this stuff overseas. Now were talkin right!!! So they hire Babiedoll to travel around in hopes of a foreign buyer. they send her to europe and all types of places in hopes of a connection to move all this weight that is piling up in the house. of course Babiedoll is eventually successful and runs into Arsnic who loves to collect shit and has a private island with which to help keep things hidden. She has no desire to be involved in the violence or dealings. Just keep the money rolling in and don't introduce her to any shady characters like Noxious_Succu. We're at a critical point in the evolution of our characters. They are wildy rich but are not ever satisfied. So when Seizure randomly meets noxious-succu at all night party on the island of Ibiza things really begin to take off. noxiou-succu suggests they enter the vip area for a chat. At this point she introduces her own partner Machete who begin with great detail and excitement to inform Seizure of the money they are missing out on by selling chronic. See Machete and noxious_succu
know the real money is in cocaine and heroin. It weighs less and is worth more. So now the stakes get higher and the criminals get greedier and more vicious. To anyone who thinks the life of a drug lord is easy just wait till a newbie on the block like LadyAmalthea comes after your fortune with a fully automatic weapon and no remorse.
---------------Rare Artifact Collector
The life of a rare artifact collector should definitely be interesting if nothing else. It will take someone with alot of useless and useful knowledge. Must be proficient in their history and have no fear of the unknown. Keepyouvague is prime example of the kinda witty smarts it takes to succeed. able to effectively communicate with people of culture is critical. How else are you goona get directions in the middle of the jungle from a nomadic tribe member? Lots of times these collectors compete with each other for "fortune" and "glory". It won't be long till Powerslave is walking out of an ancient Mayan temple with writings from the time of atlantis when all of sudden alleycat19 leaps from a nearby tree onto his back in an attempt to steal it. Can you throw down and protect your treasure? can you successfully escape the wrath of anyone you might piss off. wehrleboy has much experience at this from all his time running from sixboxes who loves to clown around.Saint has an affinity for this job cause of her introverted nature.She won't mind putting in the hours of study that it takes to realize what the hell is going on in all these crazy histories.Plus she has no fear of death. this is a fun ass job but most of us are looking at the ancient texts these 5 read regularly like "huh?"........