oh shit... it's time to write again... Let's see.. I mowed my lawn today??? that's kinda boring.. I have been addicted to NHL 08 for my Xbox 360.. me and my friends smoke and play all the time... basically erything is cool..
random sg thought of the week: SG reminds me most of baseball.. Lots of unwritten rules and traditions. The older players have a cockiness and disregard for the rookies that is very similar.
If you came and answered the question last week i guess i should put my spin on the whole thing..
Champion--- the champion will struggle to lead his team or even to fight through his own shortcomings.. Sometimes he will be called upon in the most heinous of circumstances to demonstrate his greatness.His team will look to him for guidance when they are down and he must time after time step up and be clutch. often times his family will suffer for his passion. see members Rubix Sweetloretta tokewl4undies wehrleboy Cupcake
President-- The president is responsible for the well being of many others besides himself. He will be constantly scrutinized and oftentimes his ideals will get caught up in bureaucracy and legislature. His family also suffers for his passion. His decisions can cause death. His burden is great and it will grey the hair. see Keepyouvague
God/goddess-- the god/ goddess must be compassionate in all ways. They watch over and protect their people. They must live with the ups and downs and the shame of humanity's shortcomings. They will have no peer and therefore no one with which to confide. It is a life of isolation. It is life with only love for the people no burning passionate love that can be shared by equals. see Holdin
Mother/father-- tis a great burden for sure but was designed as an outlet for those who desire a simple life .. The mother and father will love their child but one day watch it grow and leave..Saint
random sg thought of the week: SG reminds me most of baseball.. Lots of unwritten rules and traditions. The older players have a cockiness and disregard for the rookies that is very similar.
If you came and answered the question last week i guess i should put my spin on the whole thing..
Champion--- the champion will struggle to lead his team or even to fight through his own shortcomings.. Sometimes he will be called upon in the most heinous of circumstances to demonstrate his greatness.His team will look to him for guidance when they are down and he must time after time step up and be clutch. often times his family will suffer for his passion. see members Rubix Sweetloretta tokewl4undies wehrleboy Cupcake
President-- The president is responsible for the well being of many others besides himself. He will be constantly scrutinized and oftentimes his ideals will get caught up in bureaucracy and legislature. His family also suffers for his passion. His decisions can cause death. His burden is great and it will grey the hair. see Keepyouvague
God/goddess-- the god/ goddess must be compassionate in all ways. They watch over and protect their people. They must live with the ups and downs and the shame of humanity's shortcomings. They will have no peer and therefore no one with which to confide. It is a life of isolation. It is life with only love for the people no burning passionate love that can be shared by equals. see Holdin
Mother/father-- tis a great burden for sure but was designed as an outlet for those who desire a simple life .. The mother and father will love their child but one day watch it grow and leave..Saint
well thank you! 

the hot spot?