So today me and my lady had a day off from visiting our son in intensive care (that sounds horrible but unless you have been there, you will never know how stressfull and tiring being at a hospital for hours on end every day is to a person)
I have only been living in London for a short time (i had been in Manchester until...
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I have only been living in London for a short time (i had been in Manchester until...
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I know i havent updated and i know i havent been around for a while! There is a special reason for this and most of you guys will be very shocked that on the 6th of March @ 11:38pm i became a dad for the first time. Now Lil Jake has come very early and because of that he is in intensive care right now,...
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congratulations to you both. hope you are managing to get some sleep! take care

congratulations to you both. hope you are managing to get some sleep! take care

aawww!! Beyond cute
so chuffed for you bro! Hope everything goes well with him.
Im gonna begin knitting him the most awesome little cardi, it has swallows on, he's gonna rule! Well, he will anyway

Im gonna begin knitting him the most awesome little cardi, it has swallows on, he's gonna rule! Well, he will anyway

Hello all!
Its half three in the A.M and i just got back from a ska night at the barfly in Birmingham, im back here again to catch up with some mates who i havent seen for about six months, i have spent most of the day out with them. Drinking far too much and being annoyed that i heard not one Less Than Jake...
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Its half three in the A.M and i just got back from a ska night at the barfly in Birmingham, im back here again to catch up with some mates who i havent seen for about six months, i have spent most of the day out with them. Drinking far too much and being annoyed that i heard not one Less Than Jake...
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Loves them, remember the days when hopskotch would be played at the academy at subs. Now lucky to get any ska
That sketch is stunning, simple but really beautiful. Theres something about it
I was owning it to Alkaline Trio last night, awesome-ness!! Glad the job is actually going well for you dude.
And yes, im still sodomising RBF
Can't gets enough!!

And yes, im still sodomising RBF

ok, its been a while since i updated, alot of things have happened so ill fill you in on whats going on in my crazy life right now!!!!
I started a new job 2 weeks ago and although im loving the new challenges its demanding of me, im not liking how tired i have been feeling and the fact i have to wake up before...
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I started a new job 2 weeks ago and although im loving the new challenges its demanding of me, im not liking how tired i have been feeling and the fact i have to wake up before...
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Amsterdam?! Fuck you bro, in the nicest way of course. When i was doing my art a level they thought it was a good idea to take us on a trip there
did we get anywork done? did we bollocks!! Be sure to go to the bulldog, spent most the week there. awesome times!
Yay for panic! too. I'll be seeing them in bham then in manc for give it a name
good times!
even better times is that FOB are playing my home town on my fucking birthday!! Oh yes indeed, im a happy little emo
Sucks about you're job though dude, ive been there. Sometimes though you gotta do what you gotta do
Hope you're good bro-age

Yay for panic! too. I'll be seeing them in bham then in manc for give it a name

even better times is that FOB are playing my home town on my fucking birthday!! Oh yes indeed, im a happy little emo

Sucks about you're job though dude, ive been there. Sometimes though you gotta do what you gotta do

Hope you're good bro-age
I feel very guilty right now. We have just discovered that we can get free internet by finding that someone has an un protected connection next door! But then again we should have had the internet months ago if it wasnt down to our landlord being such a complete twat!
Anyway to happier news, WE GOT FREE INTERNET!!!! wooooohoooo.........
god i wish i wasnt so...
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Anyway to happier news, WE GOT FREE INTERNET!!!! wooooohoooo.........

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thanks for the lovely comment on my new set. i had so much fun shooting it,
take care
take care

Well er...... pictures of me im guessing!
Iv eaten too much curry........DAM YOU TASTY SPICY STUFF. trying to recover with a nice glass of milk and some Panic at the disco! God i love that band..... its like Fall out boy all over again...... when did i become a big fat emo boy!!!! Maybe ill have to grow my hair long and become an arse!
Welcome to the BCB group sir 

I fucking love life at the moment!!!!!! im totally back in lust with music again. I was worried because until recently i seldum listened to music anymore which is just not me but thanks to my lil shuffle thats all history! Im perticulaly loving the following right now!
Gym Class Heroes (listen to taxi cab its amazing)
The Academy is
Fallout Boy
Bullet for...
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Gym Class Heroes (listen to taxi cab its amazing)
The Academy is
Fallout Boy
Bullet for...
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HALIFAX?!?!? You great big emo
for the record, i love them!! Well done
You should so so so get your cheeks done, its the shit!
Id love to have it done but my rents would throw me out and im too much of a girl
go for it bro!

You should so so so get your cheeks done, its the shit!
Id love to have it done but my rents would throw me out and im too much of a girl

The woman i love
The ink i own!

ok so christmas is over for another year. It is my fav day because i love spending time with my family, i love my mom to death and its always nice seeing her face when she opens presents. My mom was very sick for 5 years and everyone kind of pretended that things were ok when they were polar fucking opposite. This was the first...
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Yay for new iPods and tattoos!
woohooo im finally here! iv been waiting to get my bod mod mitts on this site and thanks to my visa card its finally happened. I thought i would open with a little note about last night. I currently live in manchester (home of rain and er more rain) but i came back to my home town of Birmingham for a weekend of catch ups...
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Welcome to the site!
hey there, hope you are enjoying SG.
bimingham sure has changed a lot!
merry xmas

bimingham sure has changed a lot!
merry xmas

I wanna do a painting for you guys! I haven't done any in a while and i miss it. Im trying to decide whether to stick the big one i did for my final show last year up for sale. Im pretty attached to it though! Sounds like you're doing good bro, i am pleased