Finally, full details of the Golden Girls sex scandal have been revealed!
As reported earlier, in the late 1980s, during a taping of the Golden Girls, Johnny Flapjacks crashed the party. Highly intoxicated, Flapjacks had no idea where he was. He somehow got past security and stumbled onto the set of the Golden Girls during a live taping. Being the insane nymphomaniac that she was, Bea Arthur knew an opportunity when she saw one. She quickly ushered the methed out Flapjacks into her dressing room under the guise of getting him sobered up.
Her plans were far more sinister.
Once inside the the lavish room, she began to use her womanly charm to seduce him. Considering how high and drunk he was, it didn't take long before he was naked. Ready for some lovin', Flapjacks was all to eager to comply with her desires. Arthur, unbeknownst to Flapjacks, turned on her hidden camera, and began to undress. After a brief foreplay session, they were going at it. Unfortunately Arthur refuses to release the footage, but we were able to obtain this still, captured from the actual video.
When asked about this sexual misadventure, Arthur was quoted as saying, "I've had better sex with a wooden spoon!"
While Flapjacks maintains, "I did what? heh, thats cool I guess."
It is speculated that the young rap star "lil bow wow" was a product of this saucey one night stand. These speculations still go unconfirmed, but former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum was quoted as saying, "I may be a prude, but I'd take one for the team, if Flapjacks were the one delivering the goods."
*this was copied from my myspace blog. Why? Because they are cunts and kept taking down the sex pic and I liked it too much to let it go to waste.*

As reported earlier, in the late 1980s, during a taping of the Golden Girls, Johnny Flapjacks crashed the party. Highly intoxicated, Flapjacks had no idea where he was. He somehow got past security and stumbled onto the set of the Golden Girls during a live taping. Being the insane nymphomaniac that she was, Bea Arthur knew an opportunity when she saw one. She quickly ushered the methed out Flapjacks into her dressing room under the guise of getting him sobered up.
Her plans were far more sinister.
Once inside the the lavish room, she began to use her womanly charm to seduce him. Considering how high and drunk he was, it didn't take long before he was naked. Ready for some lovin', Flapjacks was all to eager to comply with her desires. Arthur, unbeknownst to Flapjacks, turned on her hidden camera, and began to undress. After a brief foreplay session, they were going at it. Unfortunately Arthur refuses to release the footage, but we were able to obtain this still, captured from the actual video.

When asked about this sexual misadventure, Arthur was quoted as saying, "I've had better sex with a wooden spoon!"
While Flapjacks maintains, "I did what? heh, thats cool I guess."
It is speculated that the young rap star "lil bow wow" was a product of this saucey one night stand. These speculations still go unconfirmed, but former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum was quoted as saying, "I may be a prude, but I'd take one for the team, if Flapjacks were the one delivering the goods."

*this was copied from my myspace blog. Why? Because they are cunts and kept taking down the sex pic and I liked it too much to let it go to waste.*

i hate you for making fun of Dorothy.