Everythings going alright in Al-Asad. My squad set up security for a train the other night in Al-Bagdadi. I thought we were about to see some action when something exploded close by. We could here people laughing pretty close by. we kept an eye on the train until dusk when another squad came and took over for us. They got to interact with the people some. Everything went well for them except for one minor thing. Some dude was trying to get into the train station and he had a bad id so he wasn't able to get through. He got pissed off and flipped one of the guys and left. Well not too much to say right now so I'm going to find some cds for my mom to send me.

sounds like funn

see what happens when you guys come back from iraq?!? (the blonde on is Private First Class). she just came back for release and soon she will be going back to iraq!