Damn. It's been nearly two months since I wrote in this journal. A lot of shit's been going on so I apologize to everyone for not checking up on you guys or replying to your comments here.
Alright first I'll briefly go into why I droped my mebership back in April. I had discovered another online community that was related to this site back in March I think. Heard some shit and decided to leave. After I had left though I kind of felt empty whenever I would get online. Half of my time online was spent on SG, the other half on aim. I also started to miss some of the people that I talk to. However the thing that I missed the most was this journal I've grown fond of. It provides me with an area to vent, record my thoughts, get advice, etc. So I decided to join back up and stay here until who the fuck knows whenever. That shit I heard was not really any of my business anyways.
Anyways, around the time of my last entry I was getting ready to take my exams. Got that shit over with and now I'm through for the summer, actually for a year, but I'll get to that later. About a week after exams I turned 21. Only difference now is that I can buy alcohol legally.
A few weeks after I turned 21 my unit was supposed to go to 29 Palms CA for CAX. Heard some rumors that it was cancelled close to the end of the month though. About two days after I heard this I got a phone call at work. My unit was called up to support OIF2 in Iraq. So going to CAX was cancelled, instead we went to a local base to train. My unit was an artillery battery, bu they have no need for us as that in Iraq. Instead we're going over there as an MP unit to provide convoy security.
So the training was pretty intense these past two weeks. Very serious. Towards the end of training the batallion commander was still trying to see which company he would send to Fallujah. Most of the people in my unit, myself included, was expecting our company to be sent there. As an arty battery we were the shit in the batallion. So it was decided that my unit would go to Fallujah to run convoys through the gauntlet but we were not actually chosen for the job.
The CO of our company and the CO of another company in our battalion both wanted to be the ones to go to Fallujah. So the batalion commander called a formation to decide who would go to the danger zone. Now keep in mind that I'm not bitching about going over to Iraq, nor am I bitching about going to Fallujah, I knew when I took the oath that I could be called up to do something like this. What I am bitching about though, is the method that the battalion commander used to make his decision.
As I said earlier, we were in a battalion formation getting ready to see who would go to Fallujah. The colonel told us that he could not decide which unit to send because he thought that we were both perfect for the job. So he had both of the company commanders draw something from his helmet. Our CO pulled out a nut from the guy's helmet, which meant we would be the ones sent to Iraq. So our destiny was decided by a fuckin nut. Pretty fucked up huh?
So after the training was over we came home on Saturday. Got released Saturday evening to do whatever we wanted to do. Went out with one of my freinds to a club called Sammy T's. Only stayed like 20 minutes though because it sucked. Fuckin Dave Mathews cover band. Nuff said. After that we went to this other club called Vinyls. Trance/dance/jungle type place. Stayed there for a while. Some girls motioned for my freind and I to come down on the first level and dance. Talked and danced with them for about 15-20 minutes then for no reason they both ran off laughing. Kinda pissed us off so we left and went to a strip club. Met some girls there that we had talked to earlier at a barber shop in the mall. Hung out with them until about five Sunday morning then we went back to our hotel room.
On Sunday we had family day at our reserve unit. I was nursing a hangover and an hour and a half of sleep did not make it easy. My parents came over to the unit to hang out for a little while. Pretty cool. I'm trying to spend as much time with my mom and step-dad as I can. My mom is taking the news of me going over to Iraq pretty bad.
On Wednesday I went back to work. Met the guy who is replacing me while I'm gone. Tomarrow is my last day. Going back to Vinyl's tomarrow night, then after that I'm going to this thing called spankfest. Sounds very promising. Seven djs in four different rooms. Girls in cages. All good to go. On Monday I'm going to head out to NYC for five days with my family.
Should be fun. Hopefully I'll find some time this weekend to check out everyone's journals. Take care.
Alright first I'll briefly go into why I droped my mebership back in April. I had discovered another online community that was related to this site back in March I think. Heard some shit and decided to leave. After I had left though I kind of felt empty whenever I would get online. Half of my time online was spent on SG, the other half on aim. I also started to miss some of the people that I talk to. However the thing that I missed the most was this journal I've grown fond of. It provides me with an area to vent, record my thoughts, get advice, etc. So I decided to join back up and stay here until who the fuck knows whenever. That shit I heard was not really any of my business anyways.
Anyways, around the time of my last entry I was getting ready to take my exams. Got that shit over with and now I'm through for the summer, actually for a year, but I'll get to that later. About a week after exams I turned 21. Only difference now is that I can buy alcohol legally.
A few weeks after I turned 21 my unit was supposed to go to 29 Palms CA for CAX. Heard some rumors that it was cancelled close to the end of the month though. About two days after I heard this I got a phone call at work. My unit was called up to support OIF2 in Iraq. So going to CAX was cancelled, instead we went to a local base to train. My unit was an artillery battery, bu they have no need for us as that in Iraq. Instead we're going over there as an MP unit to provide convoy security.
So the training was pretty intense these past two weeks. Very serious. Towards the end of training the batallion commander was still trying to see which company he would send to Fallujah. Most of the people in my unit, myself included, was expecting our company to be sent there. As an arty battery we were the shit in the batallion. So it was decided that my unit would go to Fallujah to run convoys through the gauntlet but we were not actually chosen for the job.
The CO of our company and the CO of another company in our battalion both wanted to be the ones to go to Fallujah. So the batalion commander called a formation to decide who would go to the danger zone. Now keep in mind that I'm not bitching about going over to Iraq, nor am I bitching about going to Fallujah, I knew when I took the oath that I could be called up to do something like this. What I am bitching about though, is the method that the battalion commander used to make his decision.
As I said earlier, we were in a battalion formation getting ready to see who would go to Fallujah. The colonel told us that he could not decide which unit to send because he thought that we were both perfect for the job. So he had both of the company commanders draw something from his helmet. Our CO pulled out a nut from the guy's helmet, which meant we would be the ones sent to Iraq. So our destiny was decided by a fuckin nut. Pretty fucked up huh?
So after the training was over we came home on Saturday. Got released Saturday evening to do whatever we wanted to do. Went out with one of my freinds to a club called Sammy T's. Only stayed like 20 minutes though because it sucked. Fuckin Dave Mathews cover band. Nuff said. After that we went to this other club called Vinyls. Trance/dance/jungle type place. Stayed there for a while. Some girls motioned for my freind and I to come down on the first level and dance. Talked and danced with them for about 15-20 minutes then for no reason they both ran off laughing. Kinda pissed us off so we left and went to a strip club. Met some girls there that we had talked to earlier at a barber shop in the mall. Hung out with them until about five Sunday morning then we went back to our hotel room.
On Sunday we had family day at our reserve unit. I was nursing a hangover and an hour and a half of sleep did not make it easy. My parents came over to the unit to hang out for a little while. Pretty cool. I'm trying to spend as much time with my mom and step-dad as I can. My mom is taking the news of me going over to Iraq pretty bad.
On Wednesday I went back to work. Met the guy who is replacing me while I'm gone. Tomarrow is my last day. Going back to Vinyl's tomarrow night, then after that I'm going to this thing called spankfest. Sounds very promising. Seven djs in four different rooms. Girls in cages. All good to go. On Monday I'm going to head out to NYC for five days with my family.

its rxqueen!
i didn't think you were coming back to sg
how long will you be in NYC?!??