Was an hour late for my first saturday class today. Same prof I had last semester so she was cool about it. Everyone was doing some writing examples for her when I came in. She told me since I was in her composition 101 class, she would not need me to do the assignment. So I got the sylabus (sp?) and left. Easy class huh? Also this soritety chick that I kind of had a crush on is not take the saturday class this semester. I don't know if I should be happy or sad.
Almost bought star wars galaxies today. Convinced myself to wait until TMO comes out. Did get a few CDs though. Also ran into a guy I became friends with in my computer class last semester. Well, back to not doing shit. My usual crew is sitting on their asses this weekend so I plan on vegatating the remainder of it away. My goal is to stay in the house until Monday. Goodbye/
Almost bought star wars galaxies today. Convinced myself to wait until TMO comes out. Did get a few CDs though. Also ran into a guy I became friends with in my computer class last semester. Well, back to not doing shit. My usual crew is sitting on their asses this weekend so I plan on vegatating the remainder of it away. My goal is to stay in the house until Monday. Goodbye/
Well there aren't many people in my building right now...I just moved into these apartments on campus and most of the people here won't be back in their places untill the week before school starts again. so I didn't meet anyone cool in the halls.

I know what you mean big brother poppa.