The Touchtone Terrorists=Greatest Prank Callers
My stepbrother from Jersey who moved to Kentucky is no staying with us until he goes to basic training. He is joining the coast guard. He wants to be stationed in Jersey, and his recruiter said that he is almost 100% certain that he can get him there since few people like to be stationed there. Upon hearing all the things that were offered to my stepbrother, I have come to a fork in the road.
One path, the path I am going right now, I can continue to work for my parents company here on the arsenal (good money), go to school this fall, and continue my monthly drills. The other path leads me to going active duty and finishing up my time in the coast guard (which I can do since reserves can switch branches if they choose to go active) a different MOS (Info. Tech.), which combined with the experience that I would have upon exiting the coast guard could get me a decent job, and I could still do night time courses and possibly have my BA by the time I left the service. Other pros of switching over to active duty are possibly going in with higher rank than that which I am at the moment now (E-3/Lance Corporal in the USMC), be eligible for off base housing within six months of entering (I think), and more than likely be stationed in Jersey, should I request to be, which would be cool because I would be around my two stepbrothers which would mean that I would have drinking buddies up there. So to sum it all up I could continue to live comfortably and somewhat trouble free here in Alabama and get out of the state probably when I finish college, or I could get out of the state and enjoy life while I am still young. Decisions fuckin hate em, yet thankful that I have options.
In other news, Im about to start the first step of getting recognized as Native American.
This weekend was filled with drunken revelry. Went out to a bar/grill/club Saturday night with a friend and my stepbrother. Saw a lady there who looked like Fractal, but she looked older though. She appeared to be in her early thirties, but hey I did not ask her so I really dont know.
So far I have three people interested in furnace fest. I will not go unless I have three people coming.
Finally listened to hum after someone
(RxQueen ) convinced me to. I found one of their albums during my weekly visit to bestbuy so I picked it up.
I would like to wish a happy upcoming 18th b-day to someone.
Fuck you bueno.
My stepbrother from Jersey who moved to Kentucky is no staying with us until he goes to basic training. He is joining the coast guard. He wants to be stationed in Jersey, and his recruiter said that he is almost 100% certain that he can get him there since few people like to be stationed there. Upon hearing all the things that were offered to my stepbrother, I have come to a fork in the road.
One path, the path I am going right now, I can continue to work for my parents company here on the arsenal (good money), go to school this fall, and continue my monthly drills. The other path leads me to going active duty and finishing up my time in the coast guard (which I can do since reserves can switch branches if they choose to go active) a different MOS (Info. Tech.), which combined with the experience that I would have upon exiting the coast guard could get me a decent job, and I could still do night time courses and possibly have my BA by the time I left the service. Other pros of switching over to active duty are possibly going in with higher rank than that which I am at the moment now (E-3/Lance Corporal in the USMC), be eligible for off base housing within six months of entering (I think), and more than likely be stationed in Jersey, should I request to be, which would be cool because I would be around my two stepbrothers which would mean that I would have drinking buddies up there. So to sum it all up I could continue to live comfortably and somewhat trouble free here in Alabama and get out of the state probably when I finish college, or I could get out of the state and enjoy life while I am still young. Decisions fuckin hate em, yet thankful that I have options.
In other news, Im about to start the first step of getting recognized as Native American.
This weekend was filled with drunken revelry. Went out to a bar/grill/club Saturday night with a friend and my stepbrother. Saw a lady there who looked like Fractal, but she looked older though. She appeared to be in her early thirties, but hey I did not ask her so I really dont know.
So far I have three people interested in furnace fest. I will not go unless I have three people coming.
Finally listened to hum after someone
(RxQueen ) convinced me to. I found one of their albums during my weekly visit to bestbuy so I picked it up.
I would like to wish a happy upcoming 18th b-day to someone.
Fuck you bueno.
i miss you, shorty
my email address is in here somewhere....* hi sweetie*