Got my subs today. Two 10 inch subs. So far they sound best with
Gothic/Industrial tribute to Smashing Pumpkins
Req. for a Dream Remix cd
This chill-out cd I have
Prodigy- Fat of the Land
Animatrix soundtrack
Rob Dougan
Still testing it though to see what I like best in em out of my collection.
Having surgery tomorrow. Think I am going to have my other surgery (on my nose) around the middle of August. I really need to get more oxygen to the brain so I don't fall asleep during class when I start school.
Anyways, fuck shit. Have a nice day.
Apropos, Freddy is going down. Jason will rape the motherfo.
Gothic/Industrial tribute to Smashing Pumpkins
Req. for a Dream Remix cd
This chill-out cd I have
Prodigy- Fat of the Land
Animatrix soundtrack
Rob Dougan
Still testing it though to see what I like best in em out of my collection.
Having surgery tomorrow. Think I am going to have my other surgery (on my nose) around the middle of August. I really need to get more oxygen to the brain so I don't fall asleep during class when I start school.
Apropos, Freddy is going down. Jason will rape the motherfo.
Thanks for the compliments. I see you are Marine reserves. Army guard here. Thank you for your service to my country, you are a true man. I too will be adding you to my friends list. You have some awesome bands in your list as well (Deftones, Snake River, The Cure, 30 sec. To Mars, etc......) Anyway, nice meeting you bro. Talk to ya again, later
there is no way you anyone can have more chest hair than me.