Ok, today sucked. I started off the morning running late. Did not get a chance to shave. Also, left a key at home for this area that holds most of the parts that I use to upgrade and fix these computers for the army. My boss bitched me out about this. Then he later asked me if I cared about my job, that just because my mother is the president and my stepfather is the vp does not mean shit to him (which I kind of took as an insult, since I do not take advantage of that) because it is his call who works for him. He also insinuated that I do not do shit, which I beg to differ. I do the most shit in the office. This girl who works in our group, Kelly, even thinks the same. Hell, he bitches about her being out lately (not to her face), which she cannot help because she is pregnant and her pregnancy has not been easy on her so far (nothing complicated, she just gets sick a lot because of it). Originally I was hired just to move shit and ship things out. Now I am doing what he originally did, modify and fix these computers, and he is basically just answering phone calls and talking to people. I wanted to kick him in his fucking face when he basically told me that I do not do shit. I have thought he was a hell of a guy until today. There is a lot more shit that he does that I used to not give any thought to, but I dont feel like bitching that much because I think that I would be writing this entry for maybe another hour.
About an hour after the talk he started being all cool and he and this other guy came over around me. When the other guy left he started trying to be nice again and started talking about that guy and telling me shit that I did not even need to know about him. I thought this was a shitty, not to mention weak, attempt to try to get me make things un-awkward. Dont get me wrong, I mean he is a good guy. He takes care of his family and is always doing things with his grandson, its just that I really cannot respect him as a boss anymore (at least not in my thoughts, kind of have to make everyone think I respect him in fear for my job).
One good thing about today though is, I believe I have awakened from what I thought I wanted for my future. I really would like to be a computer programmer, but not for the govt. like I had originally wanted to do. After his bullshit, I started looking at people differently out at my building. I have decided to stop being kind to most of the people that I do not know to well at work because there just dickheaded fucks. Im usually a kind person so I hold the door open for people if somebody is walking through it while I am. I also smile at people in the hall. Today, I just realized how rude these people (most are retired officers from the army and USMC) are. There is this one retired officer, who I call sir when I am talking to him, not because it is required of me, but because I respect the rank that he held before he retired. HE almost ran into me today, then the asshole looked at me like it was my fault (The asshole is a retired O-6). I wanted to be an officer (what guy does not get that idea in their head while attending boot camp and the training that takes place afterwards), but after dealing with people like him lately, Im just getting turned off from this idea. Im just going to finish up the time I have left in the reserves (little less than 5 years, went in May 21 of 2002) and let that be it. I dont want a goddamn thing to do with the govt. after my time is up. Fuck, I need to stop dicking around and proceed with college.
Well, now that I am through with my bitches, moans, and complaints Ill cool off for a sec. Got my sg shirt on Monday. Decided to wear it to work today.
Well, anyone who reads this, sorry for any grammatical errors, spelling, or fucked up sounding shit. Too pissed to worry about any of that right now. HAVE A NICE DAY!
About an hour after the talk he started being all cool and he and this other guy came over around me. When the other guy left he started trying to be nice again and started talking about that guy and telling me shit that I did not even need to know about him. I thought this was a shitty, not to mention weak, attempt to try to get me make things un-awkward. Dont get me wrong, I mean he is a good guy. He takes care of his family and is always doing things with his grandson, its just that I really cannot respect him as a boss anymore (at least not in my thoughts, kind of have to make everyone think I respect him in fear for my job).
One good thing about today though is, I believe I have awakened from what I thought I wanted for my future. I really would like to be a computer programmer, but not for the govt. like I had originally wanted to do. After his bullshit, I started looking at people differently out at my building. I have decided to stop being kind to most of the people that I do not know to well at work because there just dickheaded fucks. Im usually a kind person so I hold the door open for people if somebody is walking through it while I am. I also smile at people in the hall. Today, I just realized how rude these people (most are retired officers from the army and USMC) are. There is this one retired officer, who I call sir when I am talking to him, not because it is required of me, but because I respect the rank that he held before he retired. HE almost ran into me today, then the asshole looked at me like it was my fault (The asshole is a retired O-6). I wanted to be an officer (what guy does not get that idea in their head while attending boot camp and the training that takes place afterwards), but after dealing with people like him lately, Im just getting turned off from this idea. Im just going to finish up the time I have left in the reserves (little less than 5 years, went in May 21 of 2002) and let that be it. I dont want a goddamn thing to do with the govt. after my time is up. Fuck, I need to stop dicking around and proceed with college.
Well, now that I am through with my bitches, moans, and complaints Ill cool off for a sec. Got my sg shirt on Monday. Decided to wear it to work today.
Well, anyone who reads this, sorry for any grammatical errors, spelling, or fucked up sounding shit. Too pissed to worry about any of that right now. HAVE A NICE DAY!