Oh my, bad Johnny! I’ve been MIA again, but then, so has most of the world. It’s been no fun watching the totalitarian fad sweep the globe (and I will not sit by, idly doom-scrolling). The pandemic didn’t bother me as much as most folk - I’m an INFP, and it was kind of an Introvertopia for me. Wrote a couple of plays, livestreamed a few, did a few Zoom productions, and even got to appear with Bindlestiff Family Cirkus! Give or take a few personal difficulties, I enjoyed having nothing expected of me. And my spiritual journey got way, way deeper (layers after layers released, with a lifecycle’s worth to go). Then a very long behavioral depression took over (again), and I isolated (again), and I am still digging myself out of that, in order of survival. But note that I am digging out . The prospects of directing/producing/performing live theatre/sideshow again, plus a few strokes of luck, have me motivated and I’m so glad we made it! And then this war hit, and I spent a lot of time crying and raging in futility. I still do. But something really wonderful has grown out of even that horror. So, I am sick to my stomach, but my heart and mind are stronger and happier than ever. Hoping this finds everyone well and peaceful. “May you live in interesting times” (in reality, not a Chinese curse at all).
Thank you foe this update 🥺💖