So, long time, long update... My old friends depression and panic hit me, and instead of reaching out, I isolated. But the big crap is that our landlord of 20 years is threatening us with Eviction. No cause, no missed rent, no complaints - They just want to jack the rent up 3 or 4 times. I’m certain I can beat this legally, and I really have no desire to live where I am not wanted, but still, I will not be forced out until the time is right.
I’ve been planning to buy a house in Baltimore for some time, the market is good, especially in our preferred neighborhood. Staying in DC is not an option, neither is going back to NYC (things cost ridiculously more than they did 20 years ago). At any rate, both cities have lost everything I used to love.
And it took a while, but I am so happy to share that my furgirl Tillie is doing incredibly well! Her BG is SO stable, and she is a healthy and happy kitty!
Tonight, we’re off to see Mark Morris Dance doing “Pepperland!” Glad to be back among the living here, and hope this finds all well with all you lovely people!