DADA excites everything -- BUT...
Dada doesn't speak. Dada has no fixed ideas.
Dada doesn't catch flies.
The administration is overturned! By whom? DADA!
Abstract Expressionism is dead. Of what? DADA!
The spirits are telephoned. Who invented it? DADA!
If you begin to question your serious ideas about life
If your head spontaneously begins to cackle with laughter
If you find your own idead ridiculous and useless
Then you know dada is beginning to speak to you.
Today you are presented with a pornographic form of baroque spirit
which is not the Purest Idiocy of Dada,
but dogmatism and pretentious imbecility.
Art is dead.
Long live DADA!
-- Francis Picabia
You may know that we had an incredible DADA show here at the National Gallery. I must have seen it a dozen times by now. Amazing, astounding, imncredible amnd inspiring. It also gave me the inspiration to revive my production of Tristan Tzara's "Handkerchief of Clouds" (with most of the same actors I had worked with on this play over a decade ago) I'm also considering a couple of Expressionist Plays (one by Stramm, one by Kafka) and perhaps reviving Phillips & Flathead. Oh, yeah, and still working on the Poe adaptations. So, I'm being equally drawn to the post-modern and the pre-modern. Drawn and quartered, perhaps? It's all good, as it seems such distinctions and dualities are the fundamental delusions of human existence...
Let us try for once not to be right.
-- tristan tzara
Dada doesn't speak. Dada has no fixed ideas.
Dada doesn't catch flies.
The administration is overturned! By whom? DADA!
Abstract Expressionism is dead. Of what? DADA!
The spirits are telephoned. Who invented it? DADA!
If you begin to question your serious ideas about life
If your head spontaneously begins to cackle with laughter
If you find your own idead ridiculous and useless
Then you know dada is beginning to speak to you.
Today you are presented with a pornographic form of baroque spirit
which is not the Purest Idiocy of Dada,
but dogmatism and pretentious imbecility.
Art is dead.
Long live DADA!
-- Francis Picabia
You may know that we had an incredible DADA show here at the National Gallery. I must have seen it a dozen times by now. Amazing, astounding, imncredible amnd inspiring. It also gave me the inspiration to revive my production of Tristan Tzara's "Handkerchief of Clouds" (with most of the same actors I had worked with on this play over a decade ago) I'm also considering a couple of Expressionist Plays (one by Stramm, one by Kafka) and perhaps reviving Phillips & Flathead. Oh, yeah, and still working on the Poe adaptations. So, I'm being equally drawn to the post-modern and the pre-modern. Drawn and quartered, perhaps? It's all good, as it seems such distinctions and dualities are the fundamental delusions of human existence...
Let us try for once not to be right.
-- tristan tzara
i have to say, i'm not sure what my feelings are on Dada. i suppose you have to give them credit for figuring out a way to subvert the subversive... though, in the end, they subverted themselves right into nice big shiny museums.