Friday Jun 24, 2005 Jun 23, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email Well, so much for the summer. It was nice while it lasted. VIEW 27 of 27 COMMENTS barny: its like 4 days a week with 16 hours you have to do yourself and my accomadation alone is 3,500. so no,... i am replying on grants, funding and parents for thsi one Jul 4, 2005 soulpower: Yeah drugged up on hayfever tablets, medicine etc. Thankfully the weather has now eased. Good times ahead for the summer then? You going on holiday or doing anything nice? Jul 4, 2005
and my accomadation alone is 3,500.
so no,... i am replying on grants, funding and parents for thsi one
Good times ahead for the summer then? You going on holiday or doing anything nice?