Well my page seems to be buggered up so i haven't got a clue if people have posted or not

This weeks a busy one! I'm finally getting doors in my house again, so i get to have less public showers and privacy in other rooms if i want it. Also i'm day tripping to Brighton on Thursday for a change,hopefully to take some piccies and look at the shops,second records and curios. Then Saturday night is Sonic Boom Six at The Joiners

I was going to get my Sisters of Mercy, Merciful Release tattoo tomorrow but with my impending course and the weather i didn't fancy having to worry about it and try not to get sweat in to it. So i'm going to go next Thursday after i get back.
hope you all had a great weekend.i'm off to tinker!!!! Maybe tweak my nipples

Love to you all

and...allez, allez, allez!!!!!
Hoep you're doing good hon!