- on Tipping!!!! in everything sg
- on discordia's blog post
- on tombs888's blog post
- on vegandemon's photo
- on brujaja's video
- on How are you lucky when you open your box ? in magic the gathering & other ccgs
I'm still so proud of this photo I did around 2012. I'm not photographer and the lighting is kind of bad but's it's finally of great effects the way it comes on her face
8 years I was not finding any motivation
"Only" 65eur while most famous rap classicals are around 300.
That was the only rap album we had when I was in prison
After finding this song on youtube I've been listening all night while getting drunk like I never before with a song.
And you ? Wich song have you been listening in loop ?
8 years I was not suffering insomnia anymore (while not taking any drugs I precise) and suffered a lot since NYE now it's just gettin slowly away