I have not gone to the gym for about 5 days and its killing me.
i really need to get my shit together and start taking my pics for my first set!
oh and ohmydamn okay so i was walking down the street this morning like a normal human being
annnd i step on dog shit.
so im like " fuckkkk" cause now i have to go and clean dog shit and ugh
well im going to try and figure out how to do shit around here

i really need to get my shit together and start taking my pics for my first set!
oh and ohmydamn okay so i was walking down the street this morning like a normal human being
annnd i step on dog shit.
so im like " fuckkkk" cause now i have to go and clean dog shit and ugh
well im going to try and figure out how to do shit around here

well small steps i cant wait to see ya set