sooooo... i have no plans for xmas holidays and nye...
they don't call me johnny-no-plans for nothin' nooooo
if i had been better prepared and organised mentally i would be spending it with my nieces...

and my family...

What is everybody else doing?

People like you make people like feel okay again. Thank you so much.
Ahh the old work place is much the same,i work night shift now and only he occassional day,i so prefer the nihgts we have a nice lil crew that do them and we all get on,no politics(well..minimal) and it just so much cruisier,we actually had the camera crew ina few weeks ago so if you can still get it look for me in an upcoming episode
We had a guy came in last night who fell under a train,his arm was in a bag sitting on th end of his bed,it was quite a mess i can tell you
Anyway mate i hope the holiday season is kind to you and look after yourself,i do miss hanging out with you down here