Have you ever heard the driving rhythm of about 30 bongo drums or stood in the middle of a gathering of free spirited baby boomers all doped out on weed?
I experienced this last weekend.
I felt entranced and bewildered, mainly cos i wasn't on anything.

When I was at work the other day somebody told me
Age is the only thing that goes up and doesn't come down.
I experienced this last weekend.
I felt entranced and bewildered, mainly cos i wasn't on anything.

When I was at work the other day somebody told me
Age is the only thing that goes up and doesn't come down.
How are you? Weekend of bongo drums and stoned baby boomers aside?
Lemme guess, you went South? Hopefully your entrancement and bewilderment was met with some kind of happiness and pleasure to be there and a part of it.
But yeah, like I said, I was thinking of you and just wanted to say hi. I do hope you're well.