there was an earthquaaaakkkee at like 1 10 in the morning...and i felt that shit!!!
"i never had no shit like that before man....whatkinda shit is that?"
it was so wierd man....i live in a loft...and the foundation shakes when a truck rolls by...but not like that did....a steady vibration....nothing rattled...just a soft steady vibration for like 5 sec....
i wanted to call someone...but everyone would laugh and say i was just high and all....but then it was on the news....
my first.....damn...earthquakes in the mid west....its coming...the end is gonna get here real fuckin quick...
bests to all
there was an earthquaaaakkkee at like 1 10 in the morning...and i felt that shit!!!
"i never had no shit like that before man....whatkinda shit is that?"
it was so wierd man....i live in a loft...and the foundation shakes when a truck rolls by...but not like that did....a steady vibration....nothing rattled...just a soft steady vibration for like 5 sec....
i wanted to call someone...but everyone would laugh and say i was just high and all....but then it was on the news....
my first.....damn...earthquakes in the mid west....its coming...the end is gonna get here real fuckin quick...
bests to all
That sounds scary. Im glad it wasnt major.
you rock!