someones coming to get my stuff.....
i noticed when i came back from the holiday someone tried to crowbar open my front door.... so i am getting a bull mastiff. already found a great pup and cant wait to get him home.
still have to get some tickets for the tour when it comes through......procrastinate procrastinate....
i did upload a new track off my album onto my other site. its called haughhh! its doing really well so i am proud. check it out people
so many nice people on here. you all should be proud.
just picked up asop rock bazooka tooth and an old cannibal ox......both are doing me well....just my mood
still watching transformer 3rd season dvds
sorry im a geek.
story of my life.....
is very short but really chaotic. so much nudity and self violence.
bests to all my friends
i noticed when i came back from the holiday someone tried to crowbar open my front door.... so i am getting a bull mastiff. already found a great pup and cant wait to get him home.
still have to get some tickets for the tour when it comes through......procrastinate procrastinate....
i did upload a new track off my album onto my other site. its called haughhh! its doing really well so i am proud. check it out people
so many nice people on here. you all should be proud.
just picked up asop rock bazooka tooth and an old cannibal ox......both are doing me well....just my mood
still watching transformer 3rd season dvds
sorry im a geek.
story of my life.....
is very short but really chaotic. so much nudity and self violence.
bests to all my friends

ilovemikehunt: won't let me listen!
well...alot of vodka, vodka, and more vodka...those are the key ingredients to breaking your face...then you need to have someone who has been also drinking alot of vodka give you a piggy back ride...try this out and tell me how you do...i think i broke my face pretty damn well...