long weekends are the best.......did way to much and now work in just a few hours....aint life grand? had a show open, went to another show opening, recorded and wrote......and was very abusive to myself....
i keep listening to the new Atmosphere / Sevens Travels. people say he sounds like me which i take as a huge compliment seeing as no one knows who i am yet and he has a deal and an agent and a tour and fans and ,,,,,well what else dont I have? o yeah, fame....still cant get enough, of this cd.
bests to new friends.......
i keep listening to the new Atmosphere / Sevens Travels. people say he sounds like me which i take as a huge compliment seeing as no one knows who i am yet and he has a deal and an agent and a tour and fans and ,,,,,well what else dont I have? o yeah, fame....still cant get enough, of this cd.
bests to new friends.......

colmbia huh? i know a few people from there, but the only person that comes to mind is a kid named donnie seals, he was a photo major... and a girl named sonya, but i forget her last name. i wanted to go there but i can't afford it. im in michigan now going to a state school for art, which is managable as far as tuition goes but i wish i would've gone to an art school. oh well school is school!
i lived in logan square so i went to subterranean a lot, and double door when blue groove was hosted there ... and other random places. what have you done shows for?
[Edited on Oct 20, 2003 3:39AM]
i know juice and a kid named o-type .... i haven't seen them in ages, maybe you know my old roommate hilary too, she's pretty active in the underground scene there... the rest of the people that i knew i lost touch with.
i sort of miss chicago but i hate the weather! not that its any better in michgan