Guess I should log in once in a while huh? I have been really sick lately. Lots of bugs going around. V day sucked major ass. Mostly because Im single frown

Anyways. Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend. I'll be writing and studying for an upcoming exam...
wells, a month later... i hope you are loving school & doing awesome!

All righty, here's the 411 on my tattoos. I am really into history, remember that because it will come back in a few minutes. The tat on my right arm was originaly just a godsmack tribal sun. I took it straight off the cd. Thinking it was rather lame later on I decided to change it up. I still liked the tribal sun and all...
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dang, cannot wait to see your new tats! the colors & images sound hot hot hot!! love

that is AMAZING the story & history behind your ink. i love the Horus protection reference. it's beautiful that it is combined with the story of a survivor.

thank you for sharing, joey!! wishing you a beautiful weekend smile
really interesting story behind those tats. I hope you put up some pics when you get them done.
Cant sleep again... Nothing new going on. Looking out the window constantly because it might snow eeek Havent seen the stuff in a few years. Should be interesting, me and the kid will have a blast.
nooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! re: insomnia frown

yay--re: snow! hope you and your little one enjoy!

can't wait to hear your tattoo stories sometime soon (when you have time & aren't sleepy!)

...and thank u for the sweetness on my blog! yay--you should play the cello! smile

have an awesome weekend joey!!! kiss
I feel you on the insomnia luv,
200mg serequel everynight or I'm up pacing all night long.
have fun with the kiddo.....hope it snows.......
Hmmm. Man I live a boring life blackeyed Nothing much going on. School is going great so far. I am sooooo ready for summer to get here. I cant complain much since I live in the South. But still, I hate cold just as much as anyone else. Im a beach bum and always will be wink
i am no beach bum,
but i will gladly trade you temps.

i think that it is like 12 degrees here today.
i am sitting at my computer wrapped in a blanket.

so here is to summer coming quicker.

p.s. love the ink by the way.
are you a godsmack fan?
yay for school!!!!

yay--thank you for saying hi on my blog, joey! i have been able to get magnificent rest in the past 2 days (thank gawdess!)...thank you for asking & remembering me.

cold suxxx. frown keep warm & enjoy the weekend! kiss
Hell Yeah! Spring semester has started and Im already neck deep in the books. About to go to the library and check out a few more. Im going to get started on a paper that is due in 3 weeks. I am very excited biggrin

Gosh, it's Friday eeek No plans... Just spend time with my kid and read read read wink
then you are a better man than I. school starts in a week for me and I have yet to buy the books let alone start reading them.

Finally got some new guitar strings man. some turbo durable strings that stay fresh a lonnnng time b/c I am very lazy about changing strings. let's see how long it takes me to get these on.
fantastic! i know you've been looking forward to school....yay!!!! i'm jealous that you have enough discipline to start now on your paper--wow!

hi back smile thanks for dropping by my blog. have an excellent week, joey !!!!!
Hmm. Nothing new today. Im so bored
hey joey,
just dropped by to say hey & hope you are resting peacefrul smile
....have a great time with your new classes!!!!!

and btw. EXCELLENT call with the Bach! biggrin
Wow, I have been a busy bee. Sorry I have not been available for the past few days...

Tonight... tonight, tonight.... I really went through a identity crisis. I went out for a few drinks with some friends. We are all getting older so we dont stay out as late as we once did... Anyways. I shaved off the goatee, havent shaved my head in...
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Monday Monday, so good to me smile

What a nasty stormy weekend.... Glad that's over. So I have one more week until spring semester starts. I wish it were already here. Im such a nerd. Anyhow, something came to me last night. I was talking to a friend who works in the ER. I came to realise that there are a lot of stuped people out...
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ha, ha it IS elvis aaron presley's bday today (had to google it. not as smart as u)--thank u for the source of daily trivia so i can look smart @ work at this very moment smile

hey, hey--how's the sleep coming along? yay school - i'm a nerd too (a.k.a. Student for Life)...and yeah, between stories from the ER & my friend who is a pharmacist--i'm like--wow. just whatever wow....
Joey....how's the sleep coming along? smile

yay--school's almost here! happy thursday, my friend.
Ugh! Yucky day today... nuff said

Hope everyone is having a kickass weekend! kiss
Hurray, it's the weekend. Not much going on though. Glad the weather is good. I may go out tonight. I could really use a drink and hang out with a few friends. If I feel up to it I just might do that. Got plenty of sleep last night, feel soooooooo much better.
"BAD DOG!' bua ha ha ha haaaaaaa!!! biggrin

That one was...well, RAD.

Yay!! You were able to rest. AHHHH-MENNNNNN! smile
~Enjoy your night out w/your buds, Joey!