Time for a new blog.
Well I have been up all night and all day. I hate insomnia... Cant go to sleep now, so I'll have to wait until tonight after my youngen goes to bed.
Anyhow, I was messing around on myspace today and saw the biggest douche in the world posting on the SG group. I was about to say something witty and sarcastic to the guy but decided not to. I guess once someone shoves their whole foot sideways into their mouth there is not much you really can say to the person. Just let them dig themselves deeper and deeper. What an idiot!!!! Go see the topic titled "escorts" for an explanation.
On a lighter note. Dont you hate it when a song gets stuck in your head and you cant get it out? I cannot get last caress out of my head. Dont get me wrong, I love the misfits like any other. It's just that my brain would like to hear something else right now and its stuck on repeat
Been listening to a lot of music today but for some reason this song just wont stop playing. Oh well, it could be worse...
Go pay the giant douche a visit for a good laugh today
Well I have been up all night and all day. I hate insomnia... Cant go to sleep now, so I'll have to wait until tonight after my youngen goes to bed.
Anyhow, I was messing around on myspace today and saw the biggest douche in the world posting on the SG group. I was about to say something witty and sarcastic to the guy but decided not to. I guess once someone shoves their whole foot sideways into their mouth there is not much you really can say to the person. Just let them dig themselves deeper and deeper. What an idiot!!!! Go see the topic titled "escorts" for an explanation.
On a lighter note. Dont you hate it when a song gets stuck in your head and you cant get it out? I cannot get last caress out of my head. Dont get me wrong, I love the misfits like any other. It's just that my brain would like to hear something else right now and its stuck on repeat

Go pay the giant douche a visit for a good laugh today
To be continued tomorrow
Good night friends and SG.
Me = Benadryl.
& It's kicking in. I am so freaking
G'night, Joey~