Hell Yeah! Spring semester has started and Im already neck deep in the books. About to go to the library and check out a few more. Im going to get started on a paper that is due in 3 weeks. I am very excited biggrin

Gosh, it's Friday eeek No plans... Just spend time with my kid and read read read wink
then you are a better man than I. school starts in a week for me and I have yet to buy the books let alone start reading them.

Finally got some new guitar strings man. some turbo durable strings that stay fresh a lonnnng time b/c I am very lazy about changing strings. let's see how long it takes me to get these on.
fantastic! i know you've been looking forward to school....yay!!!! i'm jealous that you have enough discipline to start now on your paper--wow!

hi back smile thanks for dropping by my blog. have an excellent week, joey !!!!!
Hmm. Nothing new today. Im so bored
hey joey,
just dropped by to say hey & hope you are resting peacefrul smile
....have a great time with your new classes!!!!!

and btw. EXCELLENT call with the Bach! biggrin
Wow, I have been a busy bee. Sorry I have not been available for the past few days...

Tonight... tonight, tonight.... I really went through a identity crisis. I went out for a few drinks with some friends. We are all getting older so we dont stay out as late as we once did... Anyways. I shaved off the goatee, havent shaved my head in...
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Monday Monday, so good to me smile

What a nasty stormy weekend.... Glad that's over. So I have one more week until spring semester starts. I wish it were already here. Im such a nerd. Anyhow, something came to me last night. I was talking to a friend who works in the ER. I came to realise that there are a lot of stuped people out...
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ha, ha it IS elvis aaron presley's bday today (had to google it. not as smart as u)--thank u for the source of daily trivia so i can look smart @ work at this very moment smile

hey, hey--how's the sleep coming along? yay school - i'm a nerd too (a.k.a. Student for Life)...and yeah, between stories from the ER & my friend who is a pharmacist--i'm like--wow. just whatever wow....
Joey....how's the sleep coming along? smile

yay--school's almost here! happy thursday, my friend.
Ugh! Yucky day today... nuff said

Hope everyone is having a kickass weekend! kiss
Hurray, it's the weekend. Not much going on though. Glad the weather is good. I may go out tonight. I could really use a drink and hang out with a few friends. If I feel up to it I just might do that. Got plenty of sleep last night, feel soooooooo much better.
"BAD DOG!' bua ha ha ha haaaaaaa!!! biggrin

That one was...well, RAD.

Yay!! You were able to rest. AHHHH-MENNNNNN! smile
~Enjoy your night out w/your buds, Joey!
Busy busy bust day ahead.
Got to get groceries, guitar strings, meds for the dogs, wash the dogs, laundry.... I'll be popping in when I get a few minutes of free time. Not much to do for now though. Man Im so tired. Got a whopping 4 hours sleep last night. Yay for me.

If I keep that up I'll look like skull by the weekend.
i know what you mean though. I got not amp either, thats why the lp is n the garage. Gave my amp to someone when I lost my mind, still have no replacement. Thinking about making an amp. Let me know if you can give any advice or be of any help here
No skull for you, my friend!
Guitar strings--fun fun! I have to get new cello strings, but 1 string is $149 eeek
I have to wake up at 6 in the morning (usually the time I knock off -- right before i have to wake up!) so I am PRAYING I get some z-z-z's

....wishing you the same!
& thx for the shout-out on my blog!! smile
I think Im finally going to be able to get some sleep. Just a few hours though. I'll take whatever I can get at the moment. Finally got that damn song out my head haha. Went ahead and got a head start on some reading for the up coming semester. Not sure if it was all relevant but I am sure it will help out....
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i had 8 HOURS! gawd, i love meds. wink

sweet dreams....i hope?
....i hope you are dreaming & sound asleep smile

am sending you hugs & virtual Ambien!!
Time for a new blog.

Well I have been up all night and all day. I hate insomnia... Cant go to sleep now, so I'll have to wait until tonight after my youngen goes to bed.

Anyhow, I was messing around on myspace today and saw the biggest douche in the world posting on the SG group. I was about to say something witty and...
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I think Im goingto throw in the towel. Get ready for bed love Oh I cannot wait. I can barely move or think......

To be continued tomorrow

Good night friends and SG. kiss
Have fun with your meeting with Mr. Jack Daniels wink
Me = Benadryl.
& It's kicking in. I am so freaking biggrin & tired i could puke

G'night, Joey~
Finally I have a chance to visit.

I had a really bad holiday. A very close uncle past away just two days after christmas. It has been tough around here ever since. frown
That was sweet of you. Thank you very much.
You're welcome, my friend~
....& death to insomnia smile
It's the weekend baby! Hot damn Im so excited... That's all I got to say about that. Hope everyone else has a kickass weekend. Dont get into trouble. biggrin
Got up extra early this morning to get some last minute studying in. My last final is this morning and I cant wait to get it over with. Nothing to worry about until next semester wink

I think this weekend I'll get some more pics up. I have been wanting to do some for the longest time. Now I will have a chance to do so......
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I got my exams over and done with. The Jack Daniels has been flowing ever since... Ah good times with good friends. Although we dont agree all the time. And they know they are wrong wink HAHA!

Good night